Yellowstone Park I

Sep 11, 2011 05:01

The journey to Jackson Hole, Wyoming via Denver went without a hitch, albeit with a few new security precautions. (Samples from my palm in addition to fingerprints, for example.) The next morning, we drove to Yellowstone Park and since then I've been shooting photos like a madwoman, amidst geysirs, lakes, springs, canyons, the most spectacular colours you can imagine and lots of animals. The results were so many they had to be divided into two posts. Here is the first, with an above cut teaser:

That's the Teton greeting us, en route to Yellowstone.

The fIrst geysir we visited was Old Faithfull, but the surrounding geysirs and pools proved to be the stronger attraction. Also, that inn is something to behold, isn't it?

Now onto those promised pools, creeks and geysirs.

The next one is called Morning Glory, but really, the name applies to all of them.

and now for some fellows we met en route.

The true buffalo extravaganza will be in part II, but this one walked straight past our car on a narrow road. Whereas this female moose was further away but a triumph nonetheless, since when I visited Alaska I did not see any!

There are several great waterfalls, but the most awesome, twice as long as the Niagara Falls, is the one called Lower Falls in the canyon from which Yellowstone Park derives its name:

And thus I conclude part I. Off now to upload and write part II, featuring buffalos, eagles, elks and yet more spectacular multicoloured hot springs!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

yellowstone park, travel, via ljapp, america, pic spam

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