CSM Meme

Apr 15, 2011 14:56

It's been a while, so I asked Astro and Kerne when they posted theirs.

1) Comment to this and (if you want) I will give you 3 (fictional) people.
2) Post this meme to your LJ with your answers.
3) Provide pictures/text descriptions and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would shag, marry and (push off a) cliff.

Both were trying to make it very difficult indeed for me, but only one succeeded!

astrogirl2 gave me: Londo Mollari, Quark and John Locke.

Let's review the candidates:

Okay, Quark is no looker, but I love him dearly. He overtook Garak as my favourite DS9 character a long time ago. How could I cliff Quark! For all his sexism, he even has a good track record of cross species romance with strong women who weren't virgins when they met him, so presumably he's good at more than oomox. But then again, well: bad teeth. For starters.

Then we have Londo Mollari, who is my all time favourite tv character:

Good voice, great wit, enthusiasm and skills, and presumably we could find away around the little biological problem of him having tentacles instead of a penis. You know, six of them. On the other hand, if you care for Londo and stay around long enough he'll break your heart by what happens to him.

And then there is John Locke. Not the philospher. This one:

Locke has issues and is seriously broken. Also capable of rivalling Londo in the making appalling decisions department, admittedly without the results causing intergalactic war. On the other hand, he can be kind and is capable of forgiving an incredible amount of crap if he feels affection for someone. Has a proven track record of surviving falls of great height, but given the trauma already inflicted on Locke by this, could I forgive myself if I cliffed instead of hugged him? I could not.

You see my problem. Well. With great reluctance I declare that I would cliff Quark, but only after arranging it so that he's saved by a transporter who'll beam him away as soon as he starts to fall. Then I would shag Locke, because a friendly one night stand is something that never happened to him (that we know of) and would still save me from getting involved in crazy island drama. Also, he is sexy. Which of course means I marry Londo. If he divorces me, I'll still get a nice settlement and I promise not to try and poison him. If we stay married, it will be long distance with occasional visits, like with Timov, and I'm sure I'll be never be bored. Heartbroken towards the end, surely, but it will be worth it.

kernezelda gave me: Pirate King Elizabeth Swann, Jean-Luc Picard and Brigadier Alastair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.

First, we have one of my all time favourite female characters and girl crushes:

I love her dearly. Would probably switch teams if she asked. And yet. You know, people who kiss Elizabeth Swann in three movies have something in common. THEY ALL DIE. I find this a tad disturbing, not being immortal. And with great reluctance, I declare that I would cliff her. Besides, Elizabeth the pirate king has survived falls from great heights into water before and this time wears no corset, so she doesn't even need someone else to get her out of said water. I wouldn't be surprised if she found some secret treasure this way, either.

Then there is my Starfleet captain.

Wonderful voice, reads during beach vacations just like me (and gets interrupted just like me), prone to geek out over themes that interest me (archaelogy, travel, history, Shakespeare), very sexy - but you know what keeps me from claiming Jean-Luc as my ideal spouse? He has a pesky all-powerful entity attached who could consider it funny to change me into a Doberman if I form a permanent relationship with Picard. On the other hand, there is no problem with a one night stand. So clearly, Jean-Luc Picard for shagging!

And now we get to this meme's Mr.

The Brig comes with a demanding job, true, and we have very different backgrounds, but never mind that. I'm assuming for the purpose of this meme Doris died a tragic death and Liz Shaw proved unavailable, so I don't have to feel guilty for taking him from them. He, too, like most of my fictional crushes has a great voice. He's a good man without being blind to when one has to be pragmatic, with a dry deadpan sense of humour. If he can handle the Doctor in his various incarnations, he should be able to cope with my own excentricities as well. (Including the one where I shout "Jooooooo!" if I behold Ms. Grant-Jones.) And frankly, I doubt he'd be keen on extramarital affairs anyway, which is fine by me. Brigadier, I'm yours.

This entry was originally posted at http://selenak.dreamwidth.org/671901.html. Comment there or here, as you wish.

meme, multifandom

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