Fannish 5: Five fandom lies you wish were true.

Apr 01, 2011 17:38

1.) Patrick Stewart guest stars in season 4 of New Who. Err, I think there were rumours about him being Davros or something like that a few years back? Anyway. I wish. Not necessarily Davros (though any Patrick S. would have been fine!), but oh, I wish. (Especially since I've seen him and David Tennant together on stage.) (I'll never stop boasting ( Read more... )

patrick stewart, dr. who, meme, jms, lord of the rings, blake's7, beatles, highlander

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Comments 13

zahrawithaz April 1 2011, 17:43:39 UTC
1.) Patrick Stewart guest stars in season 4 of New Who

OH OH OH OH OH! Oooooooooooooooooooooooh!

Please tell me there's no statute of limitations on this one. Patrick Stewart shows up so many places! I can still dream, can't I?


selenak April 1 2011, 17:59:55 UTC
Of course you can, and hey, DW had Derek Jacobi. Also the Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) played the Fool to Ian McKellan's Lear for the RSC, and of course the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant, was Hamlet to Patrick Stewart's Claudius, so it must be only a matter of time. :)


greenpear April 1 2011, 20:29:30 UTC
There were a few like (1) I would have loved. Like an appearance of the Brig in season 4, even it just a short guest shot...


selenak April 2 2011, 04:44:27 UTC
Oh, I kept rooting for that SO MUCH. Oh for the lack of Brig-ness on Who proper...


blindmouse April 1 2011, 21:10:32 UTC
Well, they did appear on Doctor Who once...

They did?


selenak April 2 2011, 04:37:25 UTC
In 1965. The most amazing thing, in retrospect, is that the script accurately has the premise the Beatles' fame will last into the next century and there will be museums devoted to them. Which, remember, in 1965 to predict about a then-current group is like making the same prediction about, say, KesSha today. Anyway, here's the clip:


blindmouse April 5 2011, 09:07:12 UTC
Oh, that is so charming ♥


selenak April 5 2011, 11:27:26 UTC
Isn't it just? Ian the Beatles fanboy dancing to Ticket To Ride is one of my favourite early DW images. :) When I want to amuse myself I also wonder whether the four would have watched the show at some point, and who their favourite Doctor would have been. John during the mid-60s and then later in the 70s at various points could spend days in front of the tv, so chances are he could have watched some Second Doctor era and, since the Americans started with Four, some Fourth Doctor era stories. Paul with four children is practically bound to have watched some DW from the early 70s onward at least. (I don't think he had the time during the 60s.) George with his increasing interest in film producing and gradual retreat from the music business from the mid 70s onwards, plus the one son is also a likely watcher during that period. Ringo, alas, was a jet-setting expatriate through much of the 70s and 80s, but otoh had three kids from his first marriage, so who knows?


tea_drinker77 April 3 2011, 20:06:09 UTC
Brilliant! I especially like the idea of JMS doing a Blake 7 remake.


selenak April 4 2011, 05:05:44 UTC
He still could, he still could!


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