Year in Fandom Meme

Dec 21, 2010 15:08

Your main fandom of the year? I am, as ever, a multifandom girl. My two new big fannish discoveries this year were Merlin and Fringe; old fandom revisited with a vengeance were the Beatles.

Your favourite film watched this year? It's a struggle between Agora (historical film about a female figure without making it about her love life? Realistic take on slavery? Religious conflicts with more than one party contributing to same? Why yes, it can be done; thank you, film) and Cairo Time (hooray for middle-aged international romance and exploration of Cairo!), two very different films.

Your favourite book read this year? Stealing Fire by
jo_graham, which manages to be both a splendid historical canvas and a deeply personal story on rebuilding one's life after shattering tragedies, about survival and renewal.

Your favourite album or song to listen to this year? Hahah. Well, other than the entire Beatles canon I've developed an appreciation for Love, aka the mash George Martin & son did for the Las Vegas show, which combines songs to sometimes startling effect.

Your favourite TV show of the year? The Sarah Connor Chronicles ended in style though unfairly so (damn you, Fox, for your sudden yet inevitable betrayal) and was fantastic throughout; Merlin, on the other end of the writing scale, was and is endearing, fun and moving plus visually stunning; Fringe became really amazing (and long may it continue to be so!). Also Doctor Who in its first season under the Moff was great, with a few caveats. Don't make me choose between them!

Your best new fandom discovery of the year? In terms of my own creativity probably Merlin which produced a lot of stories in the summer. In terms of the show itself, Fringe.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year? Hmm. Assuming we're not talking about cruel cancellations (grrr, ARGH) but disappointing things from within the fannish source itself... Hate to say it, but probably Dexter, which while doing some excellent things in its latest season also left me extremely dissatisfied on a couple of crucial plot points and storylines.

Your TV boyfriend of the year? Nobody in a date-able age for me, but Merlin as played by Colin Morgan is an extremely compelling take on The Once and Future Morally Ambiguous Sorceror As A Young Man. Runner-up: Walter Bishop for most compelling (to me) male character, though God knows I'm not insane enough to want to date him, either.

Your TV girlfriend of the year? Gwen from Merlin. My favourite incarnation of Guinevere of all time by now, with the same age caveat as above. Runner up: Rani from The Sarah Jane Adventures (same as above), Olivia Dunam from Fringe.

Your biggest squee moment of the year? Jooooooooo! Err, the Sarah Jane Adventures two parter where one Josephine "Jo" Jones, formerly Jo Grant, returned to the on screen Whoverse. Her actual entrance was so perfectly her that I immediately forgave RTD that he dragged out The End of Time (when the material would have been far better for one tv film, because other than the Wilf & Doctor scenes and Doctor & Master scene, the entire first part was superflous). But then he gave me not only a wonderful take on older!Jo but her a great life, and did his usual fanboy thing of weaving in-jokes and fandom debates into a script in a way that didn't alienate new viewers (Clyde asking the Doctor about regeneration comes to mind, as does the list of companion activities at the end) that I just wanted to hug his Welsh expatriate self.

The most missed of your old fandoms? Some new people discovered two of my old fandoms this year, B5 and DS9, and it was great to read the new fanfiction and meta resulting from same. Still, it made me wish for ye days of yore when I was immensely active there instead of just occasionally returning for a fond visit.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to? Lost Girl sounds good. But I really don't have the time right now.

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meme, multifandom

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