links, links, links

Dec 09, 2010 11:06

First of all, thanks for the virtual present,

Secondly, links fannish and real life:


Vigilantes: set during Cabin Fever, starring my favourite Lost characters, Ben, Locke and Hurley: an introspective character potrait, capturing all three very well.

Marvel and DC comics:

It was about time someone did this parody: Superhero wikileaks

Awesome actresses at large:

Helen Mirren and her magnificent speech about women's roles, on screen and otherwise. "Hollywood's worship of the 18-25 years old male and his penis" just about sums it up.

Rosemary Sutcliff/History:

This one immediately made me think of
kathyh. A film version of Eagle of the Ninth, hm? Well, the trailer looks great.

image Click to view

The two bloggings on yesterday's anniversary I found most moving:

Don't remember John Lennon today: "Because any attempt to ascribe meaning or logic to his killer's actions only satisfies the internal demons that compelled him to project Lennon into his own psychotic narrative", argues Peter Ames Carlin and then proceeds to remember John's life anyway.

For John Lennon: in which
rozk writes a poem that finds a striking and chilling use of the myth of Orpheus and the Bacchantes.

This entry was originally posted at Comment there or here, as you wish.

dc, rosemary sutcliff, fanfic rec, marvel, lost, poetry, lennon, history, helen mirren

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