Fannish5 wants historical RPF; Sean Lennon is a human chibi

Nov 05, 2010 18:15

fannish5: Name five historical characters whose lives you'd like to see adapted into movies or TV series.

1.) Hatshepsut, pharao of Egypt, one of the few female ones. (Yes, there were more than two.) (Though not many.) Now I'm admittedly biased in favour of Pauline Gedge's novel about her, so my ideal would be for that novel to be the basis of a film or ( Read more... )

al andalus, federico secondo, egypt, ono, mccartney, teophanu, dumas, byzantium, ibn naghrela, fair game, lennon, meme, history, hatshepsut

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Comments 22

skywaterblue November 6 2010, 00:09:14 UTC
My GOD that vid was cute.

I'm really sad I didn't go see this concert now. LA is only a hop and a skip from Vegas, and I was really close to just plunking down the money. But because I don't drive it would have necessitated both airfare and cab fare (inside LA), if not a hotel room, and the cost of buying such things last minute put me off of it. I ended up getting tickets to Leonard Cohen with that money.

I loved the second link, the story about the french maid. I feel I may have heard this before, but tee hee. Oh dear.


selenak November 6 2010, 04:56:04 UTC
Are Brigitte Bardot fantasies genetically transferable, one wonders? :)

Maybe someone recorded the concert and it will be out on dvd, then you'll still be able to see it, just not live.

That vid is one of my favourite things on YouTube. Love that this was Sean's favourite song - and like his old man, he makes up new lines when he can't remember the original ones!


selenak November 6 2010, 05:39:36 UTC
Also, forgot to add: if Sean is hanging out with the white buffalo now and then, it explains Yoko's remark about the inherited producer skills in that 2009 interview...


jamalov29 November 6 2010, 10:25:26 UTC
Becaus it’s the closest I can come to hanging out with my dad. Aww , that's lovely. :)


selenak November 6 2010, 11:58:42 UTC
I just about melted. And then admonished myself: what the hell, self, you don't actually know any of these people or their offspring! But you know, one can't help being glad.


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