Fannish5: Name the 5 most interesting fictional journeys.

Aug 29, 2010 15:27

Leaving out shows where the journey is the premise - like most Star Treks, and Doctor Who - as unfair, here are five of many that come to mind.

1) Thelma and Louise. I love well done road movies in general - this is, after all, the genre that matches inward with outward journeys - , but if pressed, this one is my absolute favourite. I love Susan ( Read more... )

sandman, cairo time, meme, lord of the rings, thelma and louise, transamerica

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Comments 16

fallingtowers August 29 2010, 13:51:23 UTC
Speaking of LOTR and travel -- have you already seen these brilliant Tolkien-themed travel posters?


selenak August 29 2010, 15:05:16 UTC
LOL, no, I hadn't! Thanks for linking.


nevacaruso August 29 2010, 14:00:46 UTC
I adored Transamerica, and am glad you included it.


selenak August 29 2010, 15:05:43 UTC
It's such a fantastic movie.


resolute August 29 2010, 14:05:26 UTC
Those are some excellent road trips!


selenak August 29 2010, 15:06:08 UTC
They really are!


zahrawithaz August 29 2010, 14:25:10 UTC
What excellent picks! I really must see Cairo Time.

Out of curiosity, what fantasy sagas do you love better than LOTR? I'm always looking for recs.


selenak August 29 2010, 15:08:05 UTC
Tad Williams' Memory, Sorrow and Thorn, for example.


zahrawithaz August 29 2010, 15:16:56 UTC
Ooh, I have not read--thanks for the recommendation.


gehayi August 29 2010, 15:53:22 UTC
I've read some of Tad Williams' books, but not that one. Thanks for the rec!


night_train_fm August 29 2010, 17:56:11 UTC
"I'd pick Lyta's journey to the Furies and back"

I just read that today (though I haven't picked up Brief Lives yet).


Continuity OMG! selenak August 29 2010, 18:20:44 UTC
....but Brief Lives happens before The Kindly Ones! Dream's entire attitude is incomprehensible without Brief Lives happening first!


Re: Continuity OMG! duncatra August 29 2010, 19:34:56 UTC
Honestly, I read them out of sequence, too (my first issue? The, uhh, climax of 'The Kindly Ones,' aka the ABSOLUTE WORST PLACE TO START) and I loved the series as much as anyone can.

Brief Lives is totally my favorite, though.


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