The Manchurian Candidates

Aug 24, 2010 13:49

We're currently debating the Babylon 5 episode Face of the Enemy over at
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meta, buffy, angel, marvel, astonishing x-men, highlander, babylon 5

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likeadeuce August 24 2010, 15:55:19 UTC
Good analysis, though I think it's worth noting that there's a Doylist element to the dissatisfaction with gradual takeovers. And that's the nagging question of whether it was planned all along or if it's something that was done as a retcon to explain X's bad behavior. You touched on this with the Skrull comparison but I think people also have that doubt about Cordelia in Season 4. (Now, I believe that storyline WAS planned, but somebody just watching it without access to behind the scenes knowledge wouldn't know that, and we hear anecdotal evidence of stories being changed as a season goes on with some regularity.)

Comics versus TV are an interesting comparison though, because I think the default assumption in comics is for everybody to realize it's a retcon (only in the rare occasion that a writer/editor stays with a set of characters for a really long time is the 'planned' reveal even possible) and just shrug and say that's how comics work, whereas within the more limited parameters of TV we think the creative powers SHOULD have a reasonable plan in place before they start shooting.

This is just going back to say, in other words, that audiences might prefer the 'knowing from the start that a character isn't him/herself' simply because then we know the eventual 'reveal' isn't a cheat.

ETA: BTW, I'm okay with the Pym retcon in Marvel because it gives us a range of reactions. Tony clearly wasn't a Skrull, Hank was, and then there's Pietro Maximoff who claims he was to get off the hook for bad behavior that was completely his own.


selenak August 24 2010, 16:06:52 UTC
And that's the nagging question of whether it was planned all along or if it's something that was done as a retcon to explain X's bad behavior.

Oh, absolutely, and I think that's really a case by case kind of judgment. Regarding Cordelia, I think it was planned in the hiatus between s3 and s4 but not before that point. Garibaldi, otoh, was planned.

Pietro Maximoff: details? Does he say the whole House of M thing was due to a Skrull?


likeadeuce August 24 2010, 16:10:54 UTC
The Pietro thing is pretty great. I know some of his superfans don't like it, but it seems in character to me, and it's only a surprise MORE people don't do it. He originally makes the announcement in Dan Slott's post-Secret Invasion issues of Mighty Avengers (which is a little rough in places but a good run overall), and now is on the faculty of the new series Avengers Academy, where he's being blackmailed by a student/prospective supervillain, who (aside from his daughter Luna) is the only one to figure the scam out.


cmattg August 24 2010, 16:23:30 UTC
Can I just mention how much I like the term "prospective supervillian"?


likeadeuce August 24 2010, 16:27:24 UTC
Let me plug Avengers Academy, then.

(There's some discussion about the premise and the first issue in this post).


selenak August 24 2010, 16:44:14 UTC
The Pietro thing is pretty great. I know some of his superfans don't like it, but it seems in character to me, and it's only a surprise MORE people don't do it.

"So, those couple of crappy things I did during the last *insert number* years? It was totally a Skrull!" ...Yes, sounds like a good idea. And Pietro really did that?

...Well, his old man is the one who invented the "it was Xorn" gig. :)


likeadeuce August 24 2010, 16:48:20 UTC

In a world where people change sides that often, creative blame shifting is a survival skill.


selenak August 24 2010, 16:52:26 UTC
Charles got into the game of course as well, with his dead twin sister. :)

Incidentally: have you heard that January Jones will play Emma? What I don't get is how they can make January!Emma contemporary with James McCavoy!Charles Xavier when there's already an Emma Frost in that Wolverine film who is contemporary with Scott...


likeadeuce August 24 2010, 16:55:42 UTC
The Emma-looking character in Wolverine was never actually named? So my guess is they're going to backtrack and say it wasn't her. Which, really, I'm fine with; it seems silly to keep them from using a character because of little continuity thing that doesn't have any relevance to anything else. (I'd be happy with them rebooting movieverse continuity altogether, honestly, but everything else suggests they're sticking with it).

I'm at a wait-and-see point with that casting; it's been suggested the actress who was originally going to be Emma bailed because the part wasn't big enough, but considering January Jones is something of a name and Alice Eve isn't, that may be saving face.


selenak August 24 2010, 17:25:35 UTC
Ah, if she was never named, there should be no difficulty.

skywaterblue wonders about an Emma/Magneto/Xavier triangle, but surely considering Rose Byrnes plays Moira McTaggart, and there is a Mystique in two editions, surely the het side of things in that film is already covered.... Anyway, if movieverse Emma is off an age with Charles 'n Erik, and they DON'T reboot, I want Helen Mirren in a scene with Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen for an epilogue.


likeadeuce August 24 2010, 17:45:18 UTC

It's interesting that this film seems to be doing relatively well with casting parity in terms of gender, while the theoretical Whedon-helmed Avenger movie has Joss assuring us that there will be more than one woman in the cast (despite evidence, so far, to the contrary).


selenak August 24 2010, 18:03:54 UTC
Yes, the only woman I heard about was Natasha who apparantly replaces Jan as a founding Avenger?

Though I suppose we don't know and can't know yet which female characters could cross over from Thor and Captain American respectively, and Tony could bring Pepper along. I guess no Wanda because the X-franchise is still elsewhere?


alara_r August 24 2010, 17:54:15 UTC
To be fair -- given how very, very dead the Magneto impostor ended up at the end of Morrison's run and how very, very out of character his behavior was, the very fact that Magneto is still alive gives credence to the idea that it wasn't him who did all that stuff. :-)

At one point there was a Magneto robot impersonating Magneto, but when Magneto revealed that it hadn't been him, he was still a bad guy and he was still doing some magnificently awful stuff... I think the only thing he got a free pass on was lying to Lorna Dane that he was her father, and in retrospect, apparently it turns out he *is* her father, so the robot was telling the truth. :-)


selenak August 24 2010, 18:01:20 UTC
You know I was just kidding about Xorn. :) (Oh, Morrison. You and Mark Millar.)

Magneto and his children or not children are really at the whim of every editor, aren't they?


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