The Manchurian Candidates

Aug 24, 2010 13:49

We're currently debating the Babylon 5 episode Face of the Enemy over at
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meta, buffy, angel, marvel, astonishing x-men, highlander, babylon 5

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selenak August 24 2010, 15:46:39 UTC
The best meta on Cordelia in s4 and just when what happens I've ever read is this one:

And yes, when I rewatched s4 back when I got the dvds, I found it very impressive how the manipulations play out.

"You're Welcome": yes, that's my big problem with the episode. I can see how it's a love letter to the actress and the character and why so many people like it for this reason, and I always try to handwave it by saying "well, she's dead, and ghosts play by other rules", but really, Cordelia has been through hell, and there should have been some follow-up. My suspension of disbelief always breaks when she blithely says "so, how is Connor?" The only way I could have bought that was if they had declared Cordelia doesn't remember what happened while Jasmine was in her, but clearly, as evidenced via her conversation with Wesley about Lilah, she does. If she can remember killing Lilah - well, Jasmine doing that through her - then she can remember everything that happened between Connor and herself, up to and including Inside Out, and there's no way she could just casually ask like that.


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