Now and then, one just has to gush :)

Aug 13, 2010 04:43

On an awwwww note about them both, Patrick Stewart about David Tennant:

image Click to view

Here's hoping theatre (and tv, and cinema) producers listen. * ♥ them both in embarrassingly fangirlish fashion*

Also, another gem from the recent Vid Con:

Doctor Who: Take On Me: all the regenerations, all the companions. I so love vids that celebrate DW as a whole, ( Read more... )

patrick stewart, david tennant, vid rec, dr. who

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Comments 8

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selenak August 13 2010, 07:48:49 UTC
I'm so glad these two got to work with each other, I can't tell you. And they really must do so again.

Re: Classic Who, yes indeed, and linking the vid is part of my cunning campaign to produce this result.:)


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selenak August 14 2010, 05:09:01 UTC
Icon: when he played Hamlet, he also played Berowne in Love's Labour's Lost, same RSC season, and as the RSC handed out photos of both, icon makers were busy. :)

kathyh has many icon posts you can check out, though these particular ones were not made my her; I noted the respective icon makers in the credits.


honorh August 13 2010, 12:09:19 UTC
Seems like everyone who works with David Tennant loves him. Warms my heart! And how very nice of Sir Patrick to speak of him that way; it shows that DT really captured his respect when they worked together.

And oh, that voice! *melts*


selenak August 13 2010, 12:50:19 UTC
That voice is one of the best voices ever and one can't hear it enough.

And yes; when a 70 years old actor with such professional experience says something this about you, it's one of the highest accolades imaginable. In conclusion: awwww.


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selenak August 13 2010, 18:04:03 UTC
*draws sparkling hearts*


airie_fairy August 13 2010, 22:55:19 UTC


zahrawithaz August 21 2010, 03:14:13 UTC
That is a great Who vid!


selenak August 21 2010, 08:31:50 UTC
As always, glad to share!


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