Me and Orson Welles, Abel and Ishquiya

Jul 03, 2010 07:44

The Munich Film Festival is still ongoing: this post brings an (US)American, a Mexican and an Indian film, and also yours truly showing off via quotes.

Me and Orson Welles )

abel, ishquiya, orson welles, film review, me and orson welles

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Comments 4

kathyh July 3 2010, 10:37:31 UTC
That's really the most appealing aspect of the film; the way it captures the vibrancy of theatre production.

Yes, I saw the film back in January and that's what I enjoyed most about it. It made the whole ambience of that production of Julius Caesar particularly vivid and I was actually much more interested in watching that than the whole Zac Efron storyline.


selenak July 3 2010, 17:30:04 UTC
Pity one can't see that production on stage now, isn't it?

I strongly suspect that "there's a cute coming of age story for Zac Efron" was how Linklater got the film financed, and then proceeded to pour his heart and soul in the production story. Which is the kind of gall Welles would admire. :)


likeadeuce July 3 2010, 14:43:37 UTC
I skipped the Welles movie in the theater, but now that I've read Callow's account of the Mercury productions, I'm keen to see it and will look for the DVD. Thanks!


selenak July 3 2010, 17:25:53 UTC
I'm pretty certain the film used Callow's description for the settings, because while there are some in Kaplow's novel, they're way more general and fewer, and Callow has an actor's eye for detail, which a set designer could use.

...the only drawback is that you leave this film wishing you could see the damn production on stage the next evening, and well, a few decades too late for that.


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