Quotes meme

Apr 22, 2010 08:58

Meme from

Pick 15 of your ships and write down a quote for each of them. Let your f-list guess. Looking them up on IMDb or Google is cheating.

I don't have fifteen romantic ships, so I included some friendships and family relationships I adore as well.


A: What the hell are you doing here?
B: Come on. You drop by for a cup of coffee, and the world's not ending? Please.


A: I’ve been trying to think of a single reason why you saved my life… The only conclusion I’ve come to is that it would incur some feeling of debt on my part.
B: As usual, A, you’re in danger of outsmarting yourself.

A: You risked your life to save mine!
B: Bah, you would have done the same.
A: Yes, but I am the better person.


A: You're amoral, you're abrasive, and right now you're looking at me like I'm a Taun-Taun.
B: You can stop whining. I don't need your guts to keep me warm.
A: Oh. My.


A: Well, let me carry the bag.
B: Huh?
A: You want your trigger finger free, don't you?


A: You all right there?
B: Oh, never better.
A: I like the toga.
B: Thank you. And the ropes?
A: Eh, not so much.


My favourite quote for this relationship was used by others repeatedly already, so, here's another:

A: Love? Is this the work of love?
B: Darling boy. So young. Still so very young.


A: I've given you all the answers I'm capable of.
B: You gave me answers, all right. But they were all different. What I want to know is... of all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which ones weren't?
A: My dear (title of A), they're all true...
B: Even the lies?
A: Especially the lies.


(C and B are talking about A; the ship is A/B):

C: You know A really likes you. He talks about you all the time.
B: He once convinced me to go up to a (spoilery place) with him. Turns out he had recreated the bedroom I slept in as a child. He overheard me describing it to (name redacted).
(a beat) Of course, he got most of the details wrong, but it was a very sweet gesture... up until he tried to kiss me.
C: That sounds like A.
B: I don't care what anyone says, I love him.


A: So do I have any other annoying habits you wish to tell me about?
B: Well... you snore.
A: I do not!
B: The first night I thought a pig had broken into the house.


A: But you're right. I mean, I guess everyone's alone but being a (term redacted)? There's a burden we can't share.
B: And no one else can feel it. (beat) Thank god we're hot chicks with superpowers.
A: Takes the edge off.
B: Comforting.
A: Mm-hmm.


A: So B, I contacted (name redacted)...She's expecting a call from you regarding a transfer from this unit. Given your sentiments, I assume that's what you want.
B: I want to make something clear: I will never forgive you for what you've done to me...to the people I love. No amount of time or distance will ever change that. (pause) I'll see you tomorrow.


A: I always find that...violent exercise makes me hungry. Don't you agree?
B: Then you'd better enjoy your meal, because it might be your last!
A: Oh, you think so? (returns B's weapon to B, defeats B again).
A: How many times have I told you? Violence will never get you anywhere.


A: Where do you get electricity?
B: We have two giant hamsters running on a massive wheel at our secret underground cave. (...) Why are you so angry, A?
A: Because you're cheating.


A: I always thought that silence would be a blessing with you, but I find it just as irritating. (...) I could quite like you. Now that I realise you're not as big a fool as you look.
B: Yeah, I feel the same. Now I realise you're not as arrogant as you sound.
A: Still think I'm arrogant?
B: No. More... supercilious.
A: That's a big word, B. Sure you know what it means?
B: Condescending.
A: Very good.
B: Patronizing.
A: Doesn't quite mean that.
B: No, these are other things you are.
A: Hang on!
B: Overbearing. Very overbearing.
A: B!
B: You wanted me to talk.

meme, multifandom

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