Fannish5 and Remix

Apr 16, 2010 16:50

fannish5: Name 5 characters you like but that you wouldn't hire to work with you.

Only five? Is that a joke? Most fictional people I adore tend to be NOT the kind of people I'd work with, or for. But fine. Here are five of many.

1.) Arvin Sloane (Alias). My beloved Mr. S. is actually super competent, be it at heading a good guy spy organisation, a bad guy spy organization, shady in betweens, or really efficient charity organizations. He's so good that heroes and villains alike keep rehiring him, no matter which among them be betrays in between; they're also majorly impressed at his own hiring skills which you can see because they keep hiring everyone he ever hired as well. However, I want to live, if possible with family & friends. Arvin Sloane would sacrifice my life without even a flicker of hesitation if it served his purpose, and if anyone else threatens me, then, since my last name isn't Bristow, he wouldn't bother trying to save me, either. No way would I ever go anywhere near the man in real life, and certainly not in a work situation.

2.) The Doctor (any regeneration) (Doctor Who). I'm generally fond of the man and many a regeneration I even love, but good lord, can you imagine what he'd be like to work with, let alone to supervise? Actually, you don't have to imagine, because we saw it on screen for several years, in the Three era, which is one of my favourite DW eras. To watch, not to experience. This is why the Brigadier is my hero, whose example I would never be able to follow. (Between the Doctor doing as he damn well pleases all the time, offending every second guest star UNIT had to deal with, and the Master stalking his ex on an ongoing basis which means lots of invasions and loss of personel, I'd have quit the service in no time flat. Even if UNIT had been a library and the Brig the chief librarian, I dare say the results would have been the same. Sorry, Doctor. No job for you.

3.) Max Eilerson (Crusade). Max is my hands down favourite Crusade character, but like the Brig, Matthew Gideon is another hero of mine for being able to employ him on an ongoing basis, because I for sure would not be able to. Dating him for a while would be a different matter. Archaeological and linguistic genius or not. However, I would entrust Max with babysitting my cat, which is more than I could say for the earlier two gentlemen. He's really trustworthy with cats, Max is. Even gets mean thugs to brush them in repentance for their vileness.

4.) Wesley Wyndham-Pryce (BTVS and Angel: The Series). Undoubtedly, Wesley would be super competent (unless whatever I hire him for is his first job) and very sweet (well, depending in which phase of his life the hiring would be done, but for the most part, he'd be soft-spoken and darling), and one could even trust him to take over supervision and do a better job of it than whoever was originally in charge did. But. Sooner or later, Wesley would develop a masochistic streak and decide that whatever choice is most painful to him (and others) is automatically the right choice. He would not talk with anyone about any problems he has. And I'd hate to think about possible actions if I ever reproduce. And the cat-sitting job is out as well because as opposed to Max, he'd end up killing the cat to save me from having to kill the cat without even considering the beast might just have to go to the vet. So no. Vade retro, Wesley, and remain on my tv screen.

5.) Toby Ziegler (The West Wing). My own creative efforts would shrivel and die because I'd be too busy intimidated by him. No matter how angry he'd make me, he'd also cause me a horrible guilt trip every time I looked into his sad panda eyes, and thus my debating skills would wither. My voice would become rusty from disuse. In conclusion, not hiring Toby Ziegler is a question of self preservation for me. I'm sure Toby would understand.


And in remix news, I've now read most of what my remixee has written (which I'd have enjoyed quite outside of the ficathon), and I can see two or three possibilities... but I'm not sure yet. As for my own stories, dear remixer, if you're reading this - you already have the link to my lj page where all stories, even the drabbles, are sorted by fandom. You can also find most of them at the AOO as well, if you prefer. I hope you'll find something you to have writerly fun with!

remix, west wing, buffy, dr. who, alias, crusade, angel, meme

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