This and that

Mar 22, 2010 14:52

Leipzig Book Fair: was very exhausting, full of youngsters costumed as manga characters (that way, they didn't have to pay for their entrance ticket), and very good, mostly, except for the one time where I wanted to kill someone. Spoilers, I tell you. Spoilers! I think I'm with River Song on that one. Speaking of River, the next season - the 31st one of Doctor Who, never mind all that fifth and first nonsense *g* - is almost upon us. April is going to be fun. (Except for those reviews who'll spend about two sentences on the new episodes and the rest of their pages long entries on their remaining issues with the departed show runner. You know, the "Great episode, actual fun, whereas RTD, that talentless bastard, die, die, die, hate forever, blah, blah, blah end so on and so forth" type. And those reviews who'll also spend no more than two sentences on the actual episodes but will devote their pages long rants on their issues with the new show runner, repeating what they already wrote before ever having seen an episode to begin with. A.k.a. the "bad episode, just what I expected, I always knew that Moffat was Grrrrarghdie die die overhyped hack blah blah blah" type. Ah, fandom. Why so predictable?)

In other news: Remix! I volunteered my very old Highlander fics and my very new Merlin fics this time (as they do amount to the magical number of five), in addition to DS9, Angel (felt nostalgic for that particular section of the Jossverse) and Babylon 5. Given the unpredictability of this particular ficathon, this probably means someone will end up remixing one of my Torchwood stories instead.


Everybody Knows: I bet most people saw this already, but if you haven't: absolutely fantastic Jack Bristow vid.

Battlestar Galactica:

Changing of the Guard: in late s2, Gina meets Felix Gaeta. Very touching, and makes you feel for them both.

remix, alias, leipzig book fair, vid rec, fanfic rec, battlestar galactica, dr. who

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