Proserpina, Returning (Babylon 5, PG 13)

Sep 10, 2009 05:37

Title: Proserpina, Returning

Disclaimer: Characters and situations owned by JMS and Babylonian Productions.

Summary: Six glimpses at Elizabeth Lochley.

Characters: Elizabeth Lochley, Zoe, Vir Cotto, John Sheridan, Michael Garibaldi, Matthew Gideon, Zack Allen.

Rating: PG 13

Spoilers: for all of Babylon 5 and the Lochley episodes of Crusade; ( Read more... )

fanfiction, crusade, matrithon, babylon 5

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amatara September 10 2009, 08:25:21 UTC
Oh, I loved this. You did a great job of molding all those tiny glimpses of Lochley that the series provided into a believable (and sympathetic) portrait of her. I've always wondered why she sided with Clark, other than the obvious "following orders", and this makes perfect sense, in way that makes my heart bleed for her. Also enjoyed the little and not-so-little tributes to other characters and situations, including Lochley's more-than-liking Garibaldi, the reference to Delenn and Rebo and Zooty, and of course the link to Centauri Prime through sweet and no-longer-so-innocent Vir,

(Incidentally, there's a typo in the first paragraph of V: "towads" needs an extra r. ;) )


selenak September 10 2009, 10:22:13 UTC
You know me: I had to include one of my beloved Centauris, and Vir was perfect for the purpose. (Also, Lochley mentions in a voice over to one of the telepath eps that she speeks a little Centauri and wishes she were with Londo and G'Kar on Centauri Prime right now instead of stuck with the telepath situation, so tea with Vir was clearly ic.*g*)

Re: siding with Clark, that was one of the first things I knew I wanted to explore, because Lochley is the one sympathetic character on the show we know to have done so.

Garibaldi: I confess I saw plenty of UST in s5. But precisely given the things they shared it was really better that she didn't do anything about it, even if there had been no Lise.


amatara September 14 2009, 16:23:48 UTC
Oh, I hadn't realized Lochley's father's paintings were actually canon. I just assumed that storyline was something you came up with - but then again, I've never seen Crusade. I keep wanting to watch it, only I postpone it every time because I'm afraid it'll diminish my impression of the show (just like "Lost Tales" did - I didn't even make it halfway through the first movie)...

Also, Lochley mentions in a voice over to one of the telepath eps that she speeks a little Centauri and wishes she were with Londo and G'Kar on Centauri Prime right now instead of stuck with the telepath situation.

Now you mention it, that does ring a bell somewhere. Though I'm not sure how Lochley would have liked tagging along after Londo and G'Kar - the words 'fifth wheel' might definitely have applied there. ;) At least I hope she'd have been given a separate bedroom. *veg*


selenak September 14 2009, 19:43:16 UTC
Oh, the paintings are from a B5 episode, not a Crusade one, The Wheel of Fire. (Aka the one where Garibaldi's drunkeness and Lyta leading attack against Psi Corps on Earth comes to light.) It's from the scene where she talks to Garibaldi and actually gets through to him by telling her about her father and her own addictions.

As for Crusade, I think it's worth watching, but if you do, do not watch the order on the DVDS, which makes no emotional or logical sense; andrastewhite has a post on this and the right order to watch the episodes I can link you to. It's deliberately different from B5 and aside from the hastily written new pilot JMS had to do on the networks insistence (they wanted an action-heavy opening episode instead of his original pilot - same problem Firefly later had...), which is pretty bad, there is no episode in it which I didn't enjoy watching. If of the 13 in existence none is a "Signs and Portents", none sinks to the lows of TKO or Grail, either; strictly comparing the first 13 episodes of B5, not the rest of the show, it has a ( ... )


amatara September 14 2009, 20:11:22 UTC
Oh, the paintings are from a B5 episode, not a Crusade one, The Wheel of Fire.

Whoops... Hm, this proves once more I have a very selective memory where B5 episodes are concerned. :) I do remember the Garibaldi-Lochley conversation, and that I liked it a lot, but that's as far as it goes, I'm afraid. The part about Lochley's dad I can't recall at all, but I very much enjoyed what you did with it here!

Oh dear, I have far too many shows left to watch (apart from Crusade, there's s2 and s3 of DS9 which I just bought, and tomorrow a colleague of mine - of whom I've only recently discovered she's a complete sci-fi geek too - is bringing an entire hard drive full of goodies, including Farscape and Firefly! *flails*) But, Crusade is on my list somewhere - so yes, please, that link to Andraste's post would be great! I haven't watched her Crusade vid yet, but I'll check it out for sure - it sounds like a great way to get a feel of whether I'd like the show or not ( ... )


amatara September 14 2009, 20:13:17 UTC
(ehm, forgot to add link - talk about embarrassing. This will be more like it.)


selenak September 15 2009, 07:35:14 UTC
Links: Andraste on Crusade in general, on the right order to watch Crusade episodes , and providing a link to her Crusade vid.

And I'm very glad School Reunion convinced you, because that was the very episode which did it for me!


amatara September 15 2009, 07:44:14 UTC
Thanks for the links! The Crusade vid I found -and watched, and liked- already yesterday (is it just the choice of scenes in there, or is Crusade actually much more light-hearted than B5?) but I was still looking for a link to it in a post so I could feedback. :)


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