Brushing up one's Shaw, and Torchwood links

Aug 20, 2009 20:25

Because YouTube keeps surprising you with nifty things you didn't know existed: having once written at length about why I love Shaw, I was delighted to find scenes from his play Caesar and Cleopatra in a tv production from 1976, starring Alec Guinness, no less, as Caesar, and Genevieve Bujold as Cleopatra. Here's the opening scene, a great example of the way Shaw subverts expectations. How his rethoric flows and how the dialogue sparkles:

image Click to view

Two Torchwood links, both related to and spoilery for Children of Earth, one fanfiction, one meta:

The Time Traveler's Daughter: Alice and Jack before and after. Yes, someone was brave enough to tackle the after, and for decades, no less. Very moving story, and I do love when fanfic explores Alice.

Children of Earth: Ethics, narrative structure and meaning: meta focused on the most debated point in fandom: whether and why that event at the end of Day Four was necessary for the overall dramatic structure to work.

coe, shaw, caesar and cleopatra, torchwood, fanfic recs

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