hobsonphile gave me Dr. Remy Hadley, aka Thirteen, from House.
1) Do you like this character?
Yes. At first I was somewhat neutral (and also dissappointed that Amber, who had been my favourite, did not make the cut when House made his choice for the new ducklings - little did I know...), but I came to appreciate her. Some Thirteen moments, whether it was her playing a drug buyer (and being utterly convincing at it as opposed to the other ducklings), or her reply to Foreman's question whether she misses sex with women, are among my personal highlights of the show. I also find it very refreshing that she's a recurring female character who had no point has shown any inclination to be in love with or even just attracted to House.
2) What name(s) do you call this character?
Thirteen. Thinking of her as "Remy" or "Dr. Hadley" feels odd. It occurs to me I have several number-named characters I like - Seven on Voyager and Six on BSG are other examples.
3) What image/color do you associate with this character?
Raddle, for some reason.
4) What song do you associate with this character?
Smoke Baby 5) What blood-type do you think this character is?
They probably mentioned it in the hostage episode, but if so, I've forgotten.
6) Which character do you like to put this character with?
I like the relationship with Foreman right now, though it's a work in progress. But I must admit that Thirteen's reaction to events concerning Amber in the s4 finale (to put it as neutrally as possible) felt like a confirmation to me that they had more than just a rivalry going on between them, and were it not for the larger plot relevance of Amber/Wilson, I would have liked to see this explored.
Non-romantically, I wish we'd get more scenes with either her and Cuddy, and her and Cameron. See also: Thirteen being immune to House, and hence the possibility of her having conversations with other female characters that do not revolve around House. Though I am aware that with him being the central character, and the now not named Plainsborough, NJ, there are limits to how many of these are possible.
7) What would you want to say to this character?
I'd ask her to provide medical advice to my mother, who since over a year now has an ongoing problem with cramps between her neck and her left shoulder, which local doctors couldn't fix. What? She's a doctor, people.
8) What do you want to do with this character: shake hands, hug, or kiss?
Shake hands. She's very attractive, but not my type, and I usually don't hug strangers.
If you want to play, comment, and I will give you a character.