
Dec 25, 2008 18:11

I'll expect we'll all be busy readingthe results from the rare fandoms ficathon the next days, if not weeks - I know I'll be - and here are some early recs from yours truly:


Fools Rush In Deb and LaGuerta, post season 2 and pre season 3. No spoilers for the third season, and great interaction between them, as Deb thinks she knows a little too well how LaGuerta must feel.

A mother fucking roly poly chubby cheeked shit machine: or, why Deb Morgan is awesome. Seriously, this is Deb in her foul-mouthed, vivacious, hold-no-prisoners glory in a funny and touching ensemble story which co-stars Rita, Masuka and of course Dexter. Highlights include Rita and Deb being mistaken for a couple, Masuka being Masuka and Dexter's, err, unique reaction to a fact of life. Set post season 3.

Baby birds and brothers gone: this, by contrast, is all about the angst - an AU in which Harry adopts both of Laura Moser's sons, and the consequences that has.

Iron Man (comicverse):

The 3. A.M. Phonecall: effortless melding of old and new canon in a portrait of Tony during the time when he hit alcoholic rock bottom, in three of his relationships - with Maya Hansen, Henry Hellrung and Steve Rogers - and of these three people themselves.

James Bond:

There seems to be quite a lot of Bond/Leiter slash this Yuletide, but being me, I went straight for the stories with M first. The rebooted Bond franchise: it's all about M, and M/Bond. Well, to me. :)

Attendant: M and Bond post-Quantum of Solace, the gen version. Captures their relationship beautifully.

Better Days: M/Bond post Quantum of Solace, the post coital version. What makes a hero, indeed.

Black Ships:

Five Steps Taken Along The Path Of Life: Xandros in jo_graham's Black Ships, drawn with a skill readers of the novel will appreciate to no end.


An epistle of a gentlewoman of quality to her famed brother, Robert Walton: this is hilarious if you've read Mary Shelley's novel, and a dead-on pastiche to boot. I'm still giggling.

State of Play:

The American remake is nearly upon us, so enjoy fanfic based on the original, which was one terrific miniseries starring John Simm, David Morissey and Bill Nighy and James McAvoy, among others.

Cigarettes, Wedding Bands: Cal looks back. There is great subtext to be had, as in the series itself, and no easy answers.


Watchmen fanfic, and not all about Rohrschach! Nothing against Rohrschach, but he tends to dominate what little exists of Watchmen fanfiction, so I'm glad for a break now and then. All the more when the results are so good:

Nothing Beside Remains: Adrian Veidt, after. I think what puts me in awe the most is the way the writer uses bits of interviews Veidt gives interspersed in the text which read completely like Alan Moore wrote them.

A mirror of the trackless sky: Dan and Laurie, in the brave new world of brittleness and hope. Does a great job of capturing both, and the different ways they relate to past and present.

iron man, james bond, state of play, multifandom, black ships, dexter, watchmen, fanfic recs, frankenstein

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