Fanfic recs

Nov 07, 2008 16:13

One minor effect the US elections had on me; I've started to rewatch The West Wing and this time might get around to aquire seasons 3-7 on DVD. The reason why I only possess season 1 and 2 so far was two-fold: a) while I like The West Wing, I don't have the sense of fannish urgency about it which would make me buy very expensive DVD sets instead of ( Read more... )

west wing, heroes, fanfic recs

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Comments 41

kangeiko November 7 2008, 15:38:49 UTC
...and yes, I've heard that Obama has made the man Josh Lyman was modelled after his chief of staff. Even more amusingly, Obama himself was the model for the S6/7 Democratic candidate, Matt Santos (with Josh as Chief of Staff) who has as his running mate a party elder... and John McCain was the model for the Republican candidate, Arnie Vinnick, who has a pretty, young, right-wing Christian as *his* running mate ( ... )


ffutures November 7 2008, 16:15:59 UTC
The Dead Like Me film is apparently going straight to DVD early next year. Unfortunately Rube won't be in it (the actor is presumably busy with other things) and has gone on to the afterlife or whatever, Daisy will be played by a different actress, and they have a new boss who appears to be an arse, so I'm a bit wary of it.


selenak November 7 2008, 19:08:43 UTC
All three factors would be downsides, but on the other hand, who knows, maybe they'll inspire Fuller to come up with something brilliant to make up for it...


wondygal November 7 2008, 16:41:01 UTC
I have nothing to add here, I'm just fangirling We don't notice time pass, one of my favorite pieces of fanfic. I don't think I've ever read the other one, and Charlie fic is always welcome, thanks. The election had a similar effect on me, it made me wildly nostalgic about TWW, but I haven't had a chance to rewatch it yet. The other effect being, man, I would pay so much money for TWW: Barack Obama, because the more I read about the backstage of the campaign, the more it seems like such a fantastic narrative, with the plus of being true. Or maybe that's a minus. Damn it, where are my dvds.


selenak November 7 2008, 19:12:52 UTC
Have you read Yahtzee's hilarious Lando Calrissian Blues, which is a West Wing/Angel/Smallville crossover? Charlie has a big part there, along with Gunn and Pete (I'm sure you can detect the common factor here).

Real life characters can of course turn on you in ways fictional characters usually don't, so by and larger fictionals are safer to love. But you know what I'd love? If either Sorkin or Peter Morgan - who wrote The Deal (about Blair and Brown before Labour came to power) and The Queen - wrote a tv drama about the election. I'd trust them not to demonize Hillary. Or McCain, for that matter.


wondygal November 7 2008, 20:34:07 UTC
I think I have, a long time ago, before having actually met some of the characters, so I probably couldn't fully appreciate it. I should check it out again.

That would be BRILLIANT, I would pay so much money for that. If I had any. I want to say Morgan, because Sorkin is so complicated and my favorite scenes in The Queen were the ones with Tony Blair, so I know he can do it, but I would assume he's British? Or maybe that'd actually be an advantage, having a slightly outsider pov, hm. I really need to see The Deal, like I mentioned, I liked his Tony Blair, so a movie about him and Brown sounds fascinating, but I can't find it anywhere here. The internets have let me down on that one ( ... )


selenak November 7 2008, 20:51:17 UTC
The Deal, starring Michael Sheen as Blair and David Morrissey as Brown. It was Peter Morgan's (and yes, he is indeed British) first collaboration with Stephen Frears, and The Queen is a sort of sequel to it. Here's a review


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selenak November 7 2008, 19:14:46 UTC
I'm with you on Danny/CJ. I'm so enjoying rewatching their scenes together right now. And yes, I've heard that s5 and 6 have their weaknesses...


watervole November 7 2008, 17:24:14 UTC
Thanks for the West Wing story recs - both excellent.


selenak November 7 2008, 19:16:05 UTC
You're welcome!


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