Icons pairing meme

Oct 22, 2008 19:37

From penknife: Go to your icons page in Livejournal and look at the first two icons (the one on the right and the one on the left). Pair up the characters in the two icons. Go to the next two and do the same until you have a list of ships. Then...well, write 'em.

Library/Londo Mollari/G'Kar/Mariel/: "No, of course it wasn't me, Mollari," G'Kar said when Londo informed him that some kind soul had donated a copy of Mollari and G'Kar: An Intimate View, the tell-all from Londo's former wife, Mariel, to the Babylon 5 station library, downloadable to each and everyone of the general population.

"I thought Mariel might have sent you an advance copy," Londo said. "Given that some of your... qualities are more prominently featured than others."

G'Kar looked smug before recalling he was above such things now. "It was your decision to divorce her, Mollari. Given that, it shouldn't surprise you if she makes the occasional unkind comparison. In fact, it might help you on your path to enlightenment. A little touch of modesty, you know."

"Well," Londo said, and his sharp teeth showed more than usual, "I never claimed to surpass you in this particular era."

"You did not?" G'Kar said, honestly surprised about so blatant a lie.

"G'Kar," Londo stated, all wounded innocence, "I would never claim to be better at putting a lady to sleep by the mere sound of my voice, and I utterly believe Mariel's assurances of your superiority in this regard."

Quark/Dax/me: I'm not Mary Sueing, so, pass.

Londo/Rygel/Quark/John Crichton/Buffy Summers/Frodo Baggins: errr. John/Rygel is canon, sort of?

Londo/G'Kar/Quark: Quark would like to state that this was just a rumour. He merely helped the two drunken visitors out of his holosuite and into their quarters. It's not his fault that the spotted, frightening one mumbled something about being the crazy haired one's bodyguard and insisted on sharing his quarter, or that the lock didn't work once they had arrived there because Odo thought he could catch Quark in some illegal dealings by sabotaging the lock system. So there.

Quark/Garak/Wesley/Illyria: Illyria, trying to save Wesley from himself, took him to some really strange places...

Methos/Eleanor of Aquitaine: This I can totally see, and it's worth more than a drabble. Can't decide whether it should be young Eleanor, Queen of France, or old Eleanor, imprisoned in England.

Londo/Delenn/Anakin Skywalker/Palpatine: Um. I can pull off Londo/Delenn - in fact, I did once, together with iamsab - and I can pull off Anakin/Palpatine, because in a twisted way, it's canon, but my brain breaks at a foursome.

Buffy/Dawn/Winn Adami: ....no sister 'cest for me, but the following post-Gift crossover comes irrestably to mind: Winn fell for quite a long time, feeling the fire of the Pagh Wraiths consume her. At last, she became conscious of two things: her fall had stopped, and she wasn't alone with fire anymore.

"Dukat?" she called, not knowing whether she hoped something of him had survived to be tormented, or whether she wished him gone entirely. But the presence did not feel like Dukat.

"Is this heaven?" a voice asked, sounding very doubtful, young, and above all, not Bajoran. "I'm dead, right? I should be. At least tell me there is no more dimension rift, though I guess that dragon thing made it out, which is so not good, given that I'm, you know, here. And not there. But the others will get it. I think. Or maybe it was a Disney musical dragon? One of the unflamey kind?"

Now she knew the hell the Prophets had condemned her to, her sacrifice to stop the Pagh Wraiths not withstanding. They had let her end up with a babbling girl from the Federation. And she wasn't even a real blonde.

John Crichton/Timov of Algul: this is crack!fic that needs to be written. Seriously. Why shouldn't Timov have a fling?

Darla/Illyria: "„You are not Wesley. I wished to resurrect Wesley," Illyria said, staring curiously at the blonde woman. Her blue eyes were vaguely familiar; they were the same the boy had had, the youngling who was lusting after her.

“Wesley, I’m afraid, isn’t as experienced at this as I am,” the blonde woman said. “I, on the other hand, well… you could call me Lady Lazarus." She smiled at Illyria. "I cheated and got first in line. But you know, experience can be... interesting...."

Emma Frost/ Neil Gaiman: no RPF with living people! Though it sounds intriguing. At the very least, he'd write a great Emma.

Duncan/Amanda/Samarkand: I bet they had a great adventure there.

Duncan/Amanda/ Connor (as in, son of Angel, not as in, Duncan's cousin): err, no. Does not compute. In any variation.

Jack/Irina/Goethe/Schiller: the Goethe-Schiller correspondance was among the books Jack gave darling Laura as gifts, and which Irina exploited for her wily KGB codes. This is why Jack's relationship with literature was a bad one ever since.

Londo/G'Kar: theirloveissocanon. Also, I've written a lot of stories about them, so pick one.

Londo/Shadows: tragically, this is also canon, though thankfully just in a platonic sense. Londo really isn't into spiders otherwise. Come to think of it, the only time he saw the Shadows around Morden was when he had them killed, so if I were to write a drabble, I'd probably use that one.

Laura Roslin/ Arvin Sloane: I wrote that drabble, though I can't find it right now. Guess who the only survivor on Earth is? Anyway, it would be fascinating to see. They're not each other's type at all, but the quiet scheming and trying to figure each other out would be formidable.

Angel (in puppet form)/Anakin Skywalker: .... I got nothing. Err, Anakin is really good with repairs?

Livia/Arvin Sloane/Nadia Santos: discounting Nadia because no, no father/daughter incest, this would be another clash of Machiavellian masterminds I'd pay to see.

Charles Xavier/TARDIS: "Fascinating," Charles said, upon finding the police box which had materialized in his study to be, to coin a phrase, bigger on the inside. The technology had to be related to the Shi'ar; it reminded him of the Danger room, and that wasn't the only similarity. There was sentience in this ship. The familiar guilt rose in him and he pushed it aside. What was done could not be undone. He had to look forward now. The point was not to repeat mistakes. This particular sentient bit of technology was looking for someone, missing him desperately. To a telepath, it practically screamed out.

"I would like to help you," Charles said, "but even if I still had access to Cerebra... I can only track down other mutants."

The individual this sentient ship sought was a telepath, he was told. And an alien one at that. Given they had an ongoing Skrull invasion to deal with, this basically signed his death warrant as soon as he was discovered. Something else occured to Charles, as he touched the ship's mind. It could not just travel in space, it could travel in time.

What was done could not be undone. Unless, of course, one created a new timeline, which was how some of his X-Men had come to be to begin with.

Maybe an arrangement could be made.

"I think," Charles said, "you and I should take a trip to San Francisco..."

Arvin Sloane/Jack Bristow/Laura Roslin/Tom Zarek/Lee Adama: weeellll. Lots of possible combinations here. Sloane/Jack, Laura/Zarek, Zarek/Lee, Laura/Lee, and an utterly platonic but fascinating Laura/Arvin/Jack (who'd be a bit thrown by the name alone).

Justin Crowe/Iris Crowe/Anakin Skywalker: another crackfic that needs to be written. Though what I really want is for Mr. and Ms. Antichrist to adopt him.

Claudius/Alfred Bester: I think Bester would like Claudius, but that's as far as it would go. Claudius would distrust the hell out of Bester.

John Crichton/Rygel/Crocodile: John draws the line at the crocodile. It reminds him too much of Scorpius.

Rita Skeeter/ Garak/Gul Dukat: Well, how do you think Rita got her exclusive interview of the two most interesting Cardassians around in that season 4 crossover?

Angel/Connor/Darla/Drusilla: ahem. Not if Angel has his soul, and Darla hers. Otherwise, a darkfic writer could probably pull it off.

Buffy/Angel/Darla/Connor: see above for Connor. I've seen believable Buffy/Connor. I've not yet seen Buffy/Darla/Angel, though perhaps in an AU to Angel the episode where Darla picks a method other than guns....?

Arvin Sloane/Jack Bristow/ T.E. Lawrence: Jack once started to read The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Then he came across the line in the dedication that said "All men dream; but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible." and closed the book with a vengeance, never to open it again.

He wasn't surprised it was one of Arvin's favourites.

Jean-Luc Picard/Deanna Troi/Max Eilerson: Max, finding himself on board the Enterprise, would undoubtedly hit on Deanna. I can't work in Picard, though.

Connor/Gaius Baltar/Number Six: No can do. Gaeta aside, I see Gaius as primarly straight. Connor not necessarily so, but Baltar definitely wouldn't be his type. Six could be, though Angelus' taunts not withstanding, Connor canonically goes for brunettes (Cordy, Faith and Illyria), not blondes. It's Angel who is imprinted on them.

Connor/Ghost!Darla/Angelus/Vampire!Darla: what is it with Connor and incest pairings? Okay, self-answering question.

Connor/Angel/Carl Denham: I could write Angel/Carl Denham in a King Kong crossover. They'd piss each other off, but given the Spike precedence, that is so not a problem with Angel.

Spike/Angel/Watchmen: "What do you mean, you haven't read it?" Spike demanded, waving the paperback trade at Angel. "You tosser. That's a classic."

"This is you being obnoxious. Again. We are not offering Alan Moore a contract. Why do Wolfram and Hart need a comic writer anyway? Can't be for anything good."

"That's my bloody point," Spike said, and sighed. "You Irish ignoramus. Read the book, and then you'll know. Mind you, it'll never work in real life. I mean, who is stupid enough to let loose a couple of monsters in a city just to make a point for world peace?"

Joss Whedon/Brenda Chenovitch/Nate Fisher/David Fisher/Keith: no RPF. But I bet Joss loved SFU.

John Locke/Elizabeth Tudor: no, not her type. She'd find him interesting, though.

Servalan/Sarah Jane: sadly, I can't see this particular femmeslash, either. So not each other's type.

Werewolf/Arvin Sloane: Nope. He'd be convinced the werewolf was a hybrid produced by Rambaldli, though.

Darla/Emma Frost/Scott Summers: Darla and Emma would. Scott wouldn't.

Elizabeth Swann/Hyperion: No.

Dexter Morgan/Rita Bennet/Maria LaGuerta: No. Way.

Ace/The Seventh Doctor: sorry, no. This is one, like Buffy and Giles, which reads too much like father and daughter for me to ever contemplate it.

Tenth Doctor/ Abigail Brand: now we're talking. He likes to be grabbed and kissed by strong women. He also likes to argue with heads of secret world protecting agencies. She's half alien herself, morally ambiguos, and likes verbose scientists who want to save the world. At the moment, she's happy with Hank, but with a time traveller, an encounter can take place before. Or after. Definitely a possible plot bunny.

Gaius Baltar/ Caprica Six: canon, though alas, it looks like they're over.

William Shakespeare/ The (Tenth) Doctor/ Martha Jones: surely someone has written this already?

Hiro Nakamura/Nathan Petrelli/Peter Petrelli: it says something about the screwed upness of certain characters that the main problem I see here is that two of them aren't good with sharing, plus Hiro's crush on Nathan struck me as the platonic type anyway. And he definitely has no crush on Peter.

Martha Jones/ The Petrelli Family: "You don't need a doctor," Martha said. "Not even a psychiatrist. You all need to be locked up."

The Master/ Nathan Petrelli/Claire Bennet/ Peter Petrelli/Noah Bennet: err, no. In no combination.

Adrian Pasdar/Hayden Panettiere/Jack Coleman/Milo Ventimiglia: you know, just because I have several icons from that time they toured Europe together and read all the pic spam posts doesn't mean I would ever rpf them. Neeeeeever. *checks pic spams in memories section*

Claire Bennet/Angela Petrelli: Claire: still too functional and sane for that one.

Elle Bishop/Nathan Petrelli: I could see that, as their dysfunctions could meet. Though I haven't seen it written plausibly yet, and honestly, I'd rather read Elle/Claire.

Matt Parkman/ Nathan Petrelli/ Owen Harper: Another thing they'll never talk about again.

Owen Harper/ Jack Harkness/ Tony Stark: aaahhahaaaaa. Okay. Let me think about that.

The (Tenth) Doctor/ Simm!Master/ Gwen Cooper: versaphile could write it, something messed up during the year that wasn't.

The (Tenth) Doctor/ Donna Noble/ The (Third) Doctor/ Jo Grant: I've read adorable stories in which these combinations met. Platonically, that is. Might try one of my own one day, but not today.

Donna Noble/ The (Tenth) Doctor: my favourite New Who Team TARDIS. Why I haven't I written them save in drabbles yet?

Donna Noble/Benjamin Linus: "Now don't you start" Donna said. "I get enough cryptic talk from Space Boy over there. If you don't tell me what's up with this island, I'll slap you sillly. Also, I haven't had dinner yet, and I've heard you can cook. He-" she gestured with her chin towards the Doctor, who waved, being otherwise engaged with investigating the sonic defense grid, which fascinated him - "never eats enough, and I'm starved."

Ben looked at her and blinked. Then he started to prepare dinner.

Delgado!Master/The (Third) Doctor/ Professor Yana/ The (Tenth) Doctor: one day, I will write a poignant and funny AU in which Ten takes Yana with him as a companion (Martha hasn't seen the watch and thus hasn't asked the question) and then, after becoming truly good friends with him, spots the watch. There would be Delgado and Three flashbacks, absolutely. As to what the Doctor will do once he's seen the watch, weeeeelllll.... that would be telling.

The (Third) Doctor/ Brigadier Alastair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart: I see this as mostly platonic, though I also believed the occasional fanfic where there is subtext. Not that it needs to be there for this to be one of the most important relationships in the Doctor's lives, of course. If the Master is his Best Enemy, the Brig is his best friend through the ages, full stop. I just love them together, and must write more than "Patterns", but not now. Time, time...

ds9, farscape, buffy, iron man, heroes, lost, x-men, torchwood, dr. who, alias, blake's 7, tng, angel, highlander, babylon 5

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