Iron Man:
Remember that fabulous meta-as-fic-and-fic-as-meta in the guise of a Vanity Fair profile of Tony Stark, written by Christine Everhart, a couple of weeks ago? The fabulous
samdonne has written another rich and lengthy Iron Man story, this one both focusing on Tony's relationship with Jim Rhodes (it's a Rhodey pov) and undertaking the ambitious project of adapting the comicverse Extremis arc for the movieverse. She pulled it off splendidly:
The fullest possible use Comicverse:
And speaking of the Extremis arc. It introduced Dr. Maya Hansen, that rare thing in comics, a female morally ambiguous scientist (usually moral ambiguity in science is a a comicverse boy's game; the only other current one I can think if is Dr. Kavita Rao whom Joss created for Astonishing X-Men) and I still recall only one fanfic using her, and that one wasn't about Maya at all but about Tony. So I was delighted to discover an excellent story which, while investigating her relationship with Tony as well, is mainly about Maya and her own attitude towards her project and her responsibilities:
but only vaulting ambition. Go, read!
Devil in the Details: which hits two of my fannish buttons - it covers the Jack-less period between seasons 1 and 2, and it's well-done email fanfic. I am still giggling; the voices of the Torchwood team are dead-on, and so are their reactions to Jack's absence.
Doctor Who/Discworld:
How to successfully and completely get yourself into dire situations: pure genius, I kid you not. The Doctor and Donna end up in Ankh-Morpokh, in front of the Watch, and... read it! Now! I'm not kidding! Even if you aren't into Terry Prattchet, which you rather should be, but if you aren't - it's a Donna pov, and she has no idea what this place is, either.