
Apr 20, 2008 11:26

remixredux08 has opened, and the fanfiction goodness abounds. Some recs from various fandoms:


A Princeton Odyssey: someone had the genius idea to take a vignette about House and Wilson getting drunk and paying a visit to Cuddy and retell it in heroic couplets. Best thing ever. I'm still giggling, and in awe.

Cracked Pavement: House, Cuddy, Wilson, the angst version. Takes on the Tritter arc.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

What Friends Are For: Xander after Tabula Rasa in season 6. To say more would be spoiling the creepy and yet entirely plausible twist. I warned you!

Doctor Who

Lucid Diamond Sky: this is the remix of my own Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and paints a brilliant and utterly disturbing portrait of the Master, and his relationship with Lucy. Since part of the ficathon fun before the big reveal is to guess the authors, I'm going out on a limb and will say this was either written by kangeiko or iamsab. Whoever wrote it has mad writerly (and subversive, as it subverts my subversion) skills.

The Boy Who Killed Time: Doctor Who can excel in quiet horror, and this is one of those stories, as well as a heartbreaking portrait of the Doctor and various of his relationships. The encounter with Susan just about kills me.

Things Kept: Harriet Jones between Christmas Invasion and until after Last of the Time Lords. Yes indeed.

Harry Potter

Angled Between Wanton Drapes: the Black sisters, Narcissa, Bellatrix and in absence Andromeda. With my thing for messed up families, it was inevitable I would be intrigued by the Black clan in the later HP novels, and I'm glad it inspired so much fanfic.

Packing for the Crash: speaking of: this is Regulus, hands down my favourite Black.

Star Wars

Desert Glass: Obi-Wan stories between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope are a subgenre of their own, and this one is a great variation; the take on Obi-Wan's relationship with Qui-Gon, Anakin and the one he doesn't yet have with Luke is excellent.


Dims Her Morning Fire: as I found Wanda in Neil Gaiman's Elizabethan AU very intriguing, I'm always happy to discover fanfic focusing on her. This one uses not one but two of Marvel's major X-men storylines in a wonderfully inventive way. I love it.

buffy, 1602, ficathon, star wars, dr. who, house, harry potter, fanfic recs, remix redux

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