Six Degrees Meme Fanfic the Fourth

Jan 28, 2008 10:04

For likeadeuce: Six Degrees From Hank McCoy (X-Men) to Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean). I cheated a bit by using 1602!Hank, and... well, you'll see. Spoilers for 1602 by Neil Gaiman as well as Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon, and for PotC: At World's End.

Avant! )

fanfiction, pirates of the carribean, 1602, meme, x-men, astonishing x-men

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Comments 34

kattahj January 28 2008, 09:05:11 UTC
Very cool - I like the way the story holds together, and that Abigail strings Jack and Barbossa along like that. :-)


selenak January 28 2008, 10:05:40 UTC
I didn't want to go the descendant route to connect a PotC and an X-Men character (as penknife already did that, and superbly so), which meant I had to come up with another gimmick. Plus a 1602 version of Agent (Abigail) Brand just had to be written. Glad you like!


ffutures January 28 2008, 11:44:06 UTC
Don't know 1602 but that seemed to hold together very well.


selenak January 28 2008, 12:29:38 UTC
1602. (The icon shows 1602!Magneto, and 1602!twins.) 'Tis the good crack, and very worth reading. Also spawned lots of excellent fanfic.

Also, thanks! I hoped it might.


likeadeuce January 28 2008, 12:47:14 UTC
Oh, goodness, this is perfect. Great translation of Hank's potion/transformation -- and I wasn't expecting the twist of it being Abigail at the end. I loved all the little details about Barbossa and Jack, too. Yay!


selenak January 28 2008, 12:54:46 UTC
Bless the English language and its gender neutrality. I couldn't have delayed the twist until the end in German.*g*

And since Neil didn't give us Hank's secondary stage in 1602, I felt entirely at liberty to pick an equivalent of that crucial moment that fitted the story I wantend to tel. Good to know it works!


likeadeuce January 28 2008, 13:27:11 UTC
You know, I never thought of that as a constraint on the way you can construct a scene. How interesting --

And yes, very cool version of the transformation. I can see Hank playing with the fountain of youth, just to SEE --


resolute January 28 2008, 13:15:55 UTC
This is wonderful, thank you for thinking of this!


selenak January 28 2008, 13:18:38 UTC
*beams* Someone had to!


harmonyangel January 28 2008, 18:14:41 UTC
Oh, that was fantastic. I am in awe of your brilliance. The use of the Fountain of Youth is so clever I can't even contain myself, and everything with Brand is just right. And the twist is fantastic - not least because one of the appeals of Hank/Brand is their ability to use the same wry amused sarcasm, so it was completely conceivable that either could deliver the early lines of dialogue in the last section. And Elizabeth is just wonderful, and Jack and Barbossa are hilarious (particularly in their absence), and every detail is just wonderful. Great, great work.


selenak January 28 2008, 19:00:06 UTC
I hadn't thought my first Hank/Brand would be a Pirates crossover set in a historical canon AU, but hey.*g* The muses spoke!

As I said to Deuce, I'm just grateful the English language is so gender neutral, because writing in German (or a Latin language, for that matter) would have meant giving the twist away far sooner, and yes, it was fun writing lines that either could have spoken. And coming up with an appropriate Elizabethan version of Brand in the first place!

I've been reading PotC fanfic, mostly by penknife and artaxastra, for a good while now, but never wrote one until this meme, and the combination our Carrie asked for was just irresistable....


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