More "Six Degrees" meme ficlets

Jan 27, 2008 11:54

For ffutures: Four degrees of separation from Kosh (Babylon 5) to the Kraken (Pirates of the Caribbean). Err, spoilers for anything Vorlon-related on B5 and for PotC: At World's End.

Such a challenge demanded an answer! )

fanfiction, heroes, pirates of the carribean, meme, dr. who, babylon 5

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Comments 58

20thcenturyvole January 27 2008, 10:44:05 UTC
\o/ on so many counts! I loved the idea of the Heroes in Doctor Who's apocalypse timeline - the bit about Bennet and Micah and finding out the Toclafane weren't machines was wrenching - and I loved Nathan and Peter, and Peter's message to Martha at the end. Just amazing.


selenak January 27 2008, 12:37:34 UTC
Thank you. Since I already wrote a lighthearted DW/Heroes crossover drabble, I could not resist going for the angst this time (with a bit of comic relief, as both shows are wont to do!), and this was the result...


mimesh January 27 2008, 11:47:55 UTC
Oh dear, I wished I was familiar with Doctor Who. But even without knowing anything about DW the ficlet was fantastic.


selenak January 27 2008, 12:41:23 UTC
Thank you, and I'm glad it worked even without DW background knowledge. (The one from yesterday which features Claire, Claude and a DW character should then, too, btw.) Dr. Who is one of those shows which you basically can cross over with everything else because of its nature, and it this case, it provided me with a ready-made apocalypse which got reversed to boot...


ffutures January 27 2008, 12:32:35 UTC
Wow to both - I really didn't think you'd be able to do much with mine! And Sylar as a hero of the war against the Toclafane...


selenak January 27 2008, 12:45:47 UTC
Yours was the most outrageous of character pairings, so naturally I had to do it, and once it got me thinking, this was the result.

As for Sylar, he probably had the same motive as Adam, but hey. Once I had the idea of using The Year That Wasn't, the idea of really all the superpowered folk banding together because they simply had to under given circumstances followed naturally.


ffutures January 27 2008, 16:08:49 UTC
Ooops - sorry, that was me mixing up Adam and Gabriel!


kattahj January 27 2008, 12:53:26 UTC
I only read the second one, since I'm not familiar with B5, but for that one - oh SO MUCH LOVE! From the initial bit with Donna being so delightfully Donna, to that last line which absolutely SLAYED me. So, so beautiful.


selenak January 27 2008, 13:02:50 UTC
ROTFLOL about your icon. Did you make it or is it from someone else?

And thank you. I love Donna (and Martha, of course!) and am so looking forward to her return, so using her as a lighthearted start for a very angsty tale seemed perfect.


kattahj January 27 2008, 15:12:36 UTC
Thanks! I make all my icons. I get too many ideas not to.

I have great hopes for Donna as a companion, while I'm also happy that we haven't seen the last of Martha.


wee_warrior January 27 2008, 13:04:47 UTC
Sniff. Poor Kraken. It was cuddly. Well, kind of. Okay, so I do have a strange infatuation with Adventure movie monsters and/or robots. That is totally not weird at all! It's okay to think of the Balrog as a pet! I'm sure he just wanted to play with Gandalf, it was all a misunderstanding... (The stories are very good, I swear I noticed them, too! ;))


selenak January 27 2008, 13:14:01 UTC
Finally someone notices the poor Kraken and his Vorlon-manipulated doom! No seriously, I thought the moment in AWE when Jack and Barbossa found its dead body and were strangely stricken by this deeply affecting (with a genuine "passing of an age" vibe to boot), and when ffutures gave me the crack character combination of Kosh and the Kraken, I decided to be perverse and go for Kraken!angst instead...


wee_warrior January 27 2008, 13:23:39 UTC
No seriously, I thought the moment in AWE when Jack and Barbossa found its dead body and were strangely stricken by this deeply affecting (with a genuine "passing of an age" vibe to boot)

Oh, it was, and way to bring environmentalism into the story by connecting the extinction of a rare species to the rationalized, soulless capitalism of the EIC as it is portrayed in the movies. (In that respect I always find it disturbingly amusing that the production firm of POTC is Disney.)


selenak January 27 2008, 13:31:10 UTC
Oh, I know! If there ever was a modern equivalent of the EIC... *veg*


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