The poll has put me in a BSG frame of mind, so, some quick thoughts on
that last supper picture making the rounds:
- why do I have the image of RDM feeling competitive with JMS and RTD for non-religious scriptwriter using Jesus imagery for least likely character again? *g* (Though he already gave us Baltar in cruxificion pose twice in s1, and Roslin in dispensing blessings mode. And of course Head!Six has told Baltar she's God's emissary all along, so it's not that surprising she's taking the central Messiah position in this photo.)
- consider me very happy indeed that Lee and Kara are sitting far apart from each other and Kara is sitting with Sam. From the s1 finale to whatever episode in s3 FINALLY gave us the ending of the quadrangle of doom, it has becoming ever more glaringly obvious Kara and Lee are romantic poison for each other who bring out the very worst in themselves. Mind you, that's not true for them as friends, and I did like their scenes in Maelstrom a lot, as I had done their scenes pre- Kara donning a dress and dancing with Lee at the end of Colonial Day. But als each other's love interests? They make me use the fast forward button upon rewatching because I really really can't stand them, and I do like them as inviduals.
- I'm also happy Lee is in his civilian suit instead of in pilot uniform; this seems to indicate that he really went back to the cockpit at the end of Crossroads just because everyone who could fly was needed, not as a going back on his choice, and will stick with the civilian life. Yay! Lawyer!Lee in the last three episodes was a welcome return to what made the character interesting in s1 and until the Pegasus arc in s2, his struggle with ethics in an universe that makes it increasingly impossible to maintain same, and we need more civilian pov characters on this show anyway. Roslin being the President is just in too special a position, and the others are all part of the Galactica crew, except for Baltar, who, err, can't be the Civilian pov, either.
- speaking of Gaius B: seems we've seen the last of the beard, which is fine by me. He's looking at Head!Six and sitting next to Lee, their backs turned against each other. Could there be a follow-up on the hostile alliance-by-necessity from last season?
- this new Six model Natalie, with her Gina-like hair colour and and Roslin-like costume, looks interesting. Seems they realized they severely underused Tricia Helfer in season 3, especially after the great versatility she displayed in s2, and are intending to rectify this. Excellent!
- Chief Tyrol with the knife; aww, Chief. Other than Saul Tigh, the Final Five revelations must have hit him hardest. I also predict an ending of the marriage to Cally, given her own attitude towards Cylons. Though personal bias could enter here; I always thought Chief/Cally one of the most disturbing relationships on BSG, and I'm not sure this came about in an intentional way. They start out as a clear case of hero-worship and a crush on her side and asexual friendliness on his; throughout s1 and until she shoots Boomer in s2, Tyrol treats Cally as one of his "kids", as he calls his crew. He clearly likes her and feels responsible for her as he does for poor what's-his-name who took the fall for him, but there is no indication she ever registers with him as a woman. Then Cally shoots Boomer, basically shoots her because of Tyrol, Boomer dies in Tyrol's arms, and Tyrol is the only one not treating Cally as a heroine for shooting her. They eventually make an awkward kind of peace. THEN we get the scene wherein a nightmare-plagued Chief strikes out at Cally; yes, it's made clear he didn't do it deliberately, but given their backstory, it's all too easy to suspect some subconscious thing going on. And the next thing we hear is that they're a couple and Cally is pregnant with his child. I'm sorry, but it's impossible for me to read this other than "Tyrol felt guilty about hitting Cally, so he finally accepted her love" and "Cally didn't mind being hit as it finally got her Chief". Given that everyone on BSG is messed up, I would see this as one more instance were it not for the fact that s3 seemed to want us see Cally and Tyrol as a loving couple, with difficulties, sure, but basically okay with each other.
- Laura Roslin lighting one of the sacred oil lamps; a return to her prophet-role now that her cancer is back? We did see the return of her dreams in the s3 finale, linking her to the Cylons, Sharon and Caprica Six, Hera, Head!Six and the only other human having those dreams, Baltar. Natalie dressed in Laura's style and standing next to her could be a visual presentation of this connection explored more.
- RDM said the fifth and final Cylon is not present in this picture. Current candidates include Gaeta (he has been suspected from s1 onwards, and his love/hate relationship with Baltar would fit the pattern), Dee (it might make her an equivalent to the hybrids on the Cylon basestars, with her being the "voice" of Galactica anyway, and of course we still need a pay-off to Leoben's "Adama is a Cylon" claim from s1 - the Cylons usually lie by using the truth, and Leoben can see the future; through her marriage to Lee, Dee has become an Adama) and Ellen Tigh (it would be the only way to bring back Ellen, but I think this is least likely, because it would ruin the tragedy of her death at Saul's hands, and equally destroy the irony of him killing her for cooperating with the Cylons to save him, when he without knowing it is a Cylon himself.
Lastly, a BSG vid rec I've been meaning to make for a while:
Another Place To Fall is THE vid about the Gaeta-Baltar (or Gaeta/Baltar) relationship throughout three seasons, Gaeta's pov. To quote Baltar from Crossroads, oh, Felix.