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Comments 26

bimo December 19 2007, 09:43:45 UTC
Gridlock is one fine DW episode, I think, and also quite crucial for defining/highlighting Martha's outstanding ability for taking matters into her hand.

I must admit though, that my main reason for loving the episode as much as I do is unspeakably geeky. Remember the elderly couple which gets killed off right at the beginning? Definitely a homage to Grant Wood's American Gothic.


selenak December 19 2007, 10:19:05 UTC
That had to be pointed out to me as I wasn't familiar with the painting before. (Pus I associate American Gothic with a certain tv show first and foremost.*g*)


altariel December 19 2007, 10:04:48 UTC
Yes, yes, and thrice yes on 'Gridlock'. I have a long piece of half-baked meta about it somewhere on my hard drive, which I very much need to finish.


selenak December 19 2007, 10:17:55 UTC
Ohhhh, I'd love to read Gridlock meta from you.



trascendenza December 19 2007, 10:48:40 UTC
I feel like the only person in fandom who doesn't 'ship Peter and Claire in the romantic sense and still likes their relationship, and this scene from "Homecoming" is pretty much why.
I feel much the same way! I really like their dynamic but, as much as fandom has eradicated most of my squickmeter (and how), these two just don't ping 'shippy for me. I like how things are a little sad and a little kindred between them all at once.


selenak December 19 2007, 10:54:04 UTC
It's not the uncle/niece part that keeps me from seeing them as a romantic couple, you know; even if Claire weren't related to the Petrellis, I wouldn't 'ship them. They do make great friends, though, and "a little sad, a little kindred" is the perfect description for what I see their scenes conferring!


wee_warrior December 19 2007, 12:51:51 UTC
1) I loved this movie! Very, very well done, and it works as an actual magical trick - the very first image tells you what's going on, yet when you don't know the solution you don't get it until later. And, oh, the scene with the bird! So horrifying in retrospect. It's also one of the few films where I'd honestly say it not only lives up to the novel, but surpasses it in depth, meaning and characterization ( ... )


selenak December 19 2007, 16:51:07 UTC
Very, very well done, and it works as an actual magical trick - the very first image tells you what's going on, yet when you don't know the solution you don't get it until later.

I was awed upon rewatching when I noticed this. Birds: "But where is his brother?" Ouch, ouch, triple ouch. Awesome.

Gridlock: don't worry, I'm aware my squee isn't universal. *g*

Re 8) and the genre - quite. I mean, I did read Enid Blyton as a girl, not to mention Else Ury, so really, JKR is downright hard-boiled in comparison.*g*


wee_warrior December 20 2007, 10:45:40 UTC
I was awed upon rewatching when I noticed this. Birds: "But where is his brother?" Ouch, ouch, triple ouch. Awesome.

On a very mundane level I was shocked, because before I never thought the trick through and imagined what would happen to the bird...

so really, JKR is downright hard-boiled in comparison.*g*

She is. Aaand now I have this weird cross-over idea for a Harry Potter-like Hanni und Nanni, completely with carnage in the end. Must be some leftover childhood issues...


selenak December 21 2007, 08:15:32 UTC
Hanni und Nanni and its midnight parties clearly traumatized us all.*g*

I had never wondered about the birds before, either, and now I can't watch a bird trick without remembering The Prestige! (Though I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to do that today anymore.)


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selenak December 19 2007, 16:45:18 UTC
A yes, the usual mid-season slump. The episode which changes it all is Downloaded (2.18), which also happens to be one of my most favourites ever. It just goes to show that BSG is the one show which actually benefits from a British-style 13 episodes per season limit, because that would mean for both s2 and s3 to cut out all the slump episodes and keep only the good stuff.

Gridlock is love. And yes, my favourite RTD episode as well. I mean, I love Utopia and Sound of Drums very much, too, but.... KITTENS!


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selenak December 22 2007, 08:06:53 UTC
Black Market is probably the worst of s2. You know, I do feel sorry for Jamie Bamber and Lee fans, because starting with Resurrection Ship II, and right until, but not including, s3 Maelstrom, his characterisation was godawful and the character as a result insufferable. Then, by some miracle, the writers remembered that Lee works best the way he was used in Bastille Day or the early part of s2 when, and gave him four outstanding episodes in a row, so that my affection for the character had a major resurrection.

...I don't see how kittens would have fit into Fenric, either?


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