
Aug 21, 2007 12:41

This year, I had considerable writerly angst about my Multiverse story (will get into details regarding the reason once the author reveal has taken place), being fairly convinced the recipient would not like it, but so and behold, she did, so very relieved am I, as the story means quite a lot to me ( Read more... )

heroes, ficathon, fanfic recs, multiverse, dr. who, babylon 5

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Comments 3

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selenak August 21 2007, 16:42:37 UTC
I remember being entirely spoiled for some seasons of BTVS, and I remember being unspoiled for others. Unspoiled definitely wins as a feeling. Also, my chosen method of methadone (err, you know, the stuff one uses when going cold turkey) was writing meta, which I just posted.*g*


wee_warrior August 21 2007, 11:19:12 UTC
Lastly, with the spoilers for Heroes now getting more detailed, I decided to stop reading them. I didn't mind some general stuff and teasing tidbits, but generally speaking, I prefer not to know too much, so, this is where I go cold turkey.

I, too, admire your resolve. I promise to not confront you with any spoilers, though. :)


selenak August 21 2007, 16:41:14 UTC
Thank you. My chosen method of distraction turned out to be writing more meta (about Nathan, just posted...)


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