Shiny Crossover Recommendations

Aug 20, 2007 04:06

Insomnia makes for early rec lists!

God Save The King - a Battlestar Galactica / Star Trek: The Next Generation crossover in which the Cylons infiltrate the Federation and a Six model meets Jean-Luc Picard. Dark and excellent. No spoilers beyond the basic BSG set-up (which means, honorh, that you can read it.)

An End Has A Start - Martha and the Doctor encounter Mal and Zoe. And keep encountering them in this highly readable Dr. Who/Firefly tale. Spoilers for all things Firefly and Serenity, no spoilers for DW aside from Martha's existence.

Waltz - this one is marked as a Torchwood/Firefly crossover, but you could just as well call it a DW/Firefly one, as the only TW/DW character in it is Jack. It's a story that uses time travel and timelines for a very elegant and personal tale about Inara Serra and Jack through the ages, hers and his. And of course Jack has Companion training!

The Neon City - what is it about Mal Reynolds and Aeryn Sun that makes them so suited for shared adventure? As an earlier favourite of mine from 2004, this Firefly/Farscape crossover has Mal encountering and travelling with Aeryn (post-Peacekeeper Wars).

Ripples in the Dust - Dune/Farscape, on the other hand, is a new combination. The twins from Children of Dune, Leto and Ghanima, and John Crichton. Eerie, poetic and somewhat insane, as something featuring these characters should be.

Travelling Through A Land Of Woe - early on in Farscape (early s2, to be precise), Moya picks up another human, one Ellen Ripley. Yes, its Farscape/Alien; Alien gets several outings this year, and so far, this one is my favourite.

In the end, we are one tree pulls off a truly tricky premise - Firefly/Roswell - with style. Without ever being in love with the show, I did like Roswell until the s2 finale, and this crossover reminds me why. Excellent characterisation of Maria, Michael, Isabel and Liz, and the same is true for the Firefly crew who unexpectedly find themselves finding Earth-that-was...

Lastly, the story written for me this year was The Hero without Fear, which has Anakin Skywalker in the BSG universe. Spoilers for BSG until early s3.

ds9, farscape, alien, ficathon, battlestar galactica, roswell, star wars, multiverse, dr. who, firefly, dune, fanfic recs, star trek

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