Fannish5: What are your five favorite canonical romances?
...What do you mean, Londo/G'Kar is not canon? It so is! Also, which Lost ship rivals Locke/The Island, hm? Hmmmm? And does Doctor/TARDIS count? If not, why not? And... okay. I'll try.
1) Angel(us)/Darla (AtS). Because they're mythic and very screwed up; because she made him and dammed him; because he killed her and tried to save her and didn't; because God doesn't want him, but she still does; because they produced my other favourite character on that show, who couldn't be anyone but their son.
2) Emily Sloane/Arvin Sloane (Alias). Thirty years of marriage, a lot of secrets, some shared and some not, oh, and there's the thing where he's an evil overlord, but at no point when they're on the screen together (or when she gets referenced, after her death) you doubt that they adore(d) each other. It's a very tender and infinitely moving relationship, and they still make me cry each time I watch Truth Takes Time, damm it.
3) Jin/Sun (Lost). Another married couple with secrets, and a great example of storytelling as initial audience perceptions of their marriage and of the characters get turned upside down while their story unfolds in past and present. Definitely my favourite Lost couple. (Always excepting John Locke/The Island!)
4) Gaius Baltar/ Six (BSG). This is cheating, because Six has many incarnations (at least three of which are important and distinctly different from each other) and there's a head!version of Gaius as well as our own Dr. Baltar, and I count them all when I name the pairing, but still, and who'd have thought it back in the mini? My favourite ongoing BSG couple, which keeps saving and failing and manipulating each other, and keeps coming back for more.
5) Ellen Tigh/ Saul Tigh (BSG). And this would be my other favourite BSG couple, who has escaped from the drama Edward Albee never wrote. Looking back to Ellen's introduction episode, where Bill Adama says she brings out the worst in Saul, I am tempted to say "no, Bill, that would be you and Carolann, and Lee and Kara whenever that relationship gets near romance and becomes pure poison for them; stop projecting". Ellen definitely can bring out Saul Tigh's inner alcoholic, but she also makes him happy, and he, in turn, brings out her inner heroine. And they go through the worst together. And they kill me with that scene from Exodus II. Oh, Ellen. I seem to have a thing for a) marriage and b) long term relationships.