Fannish5: Five bits of fanon you particularly dislike/like

Mar 31, 2007 07:38

I picked two I dislike, two I like and one I'm fond of but don't insist on.

1) BTVS: Sex with Riley was completely unsatisfactory for Buffy, and she never really cared for him, either.I'm 'shipping neutral, more or less, and I do think the end of the Buffy/Riley relationship was inevitable (and good for her, in the long term). You can also make ( Read more... )

meta, buffy, fanon, x-men, alias, angel, meme, babylon 5

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Comments 9

ide_cyan March 31 2007, 05:38:29 UTC
The night runs in "Buffy vs. Dracula" were also a side-effect of summoning the spirit of the first Slayer at the end of S4, which left all the Scoobies, well, "Restless".


selenak March 31 2007, 06:19:27 UTC


lilacsigil March 31 2007, 07:54:47 UTC
1. I, personally, didn't like Riley, but I think it would be awfully hard to argue that Buffy didn't like him, especially in bed!

3. Oh yes. One thing I really, really love about movie canon, that is sadly missing from comics canon, is strong evidence of Charles and Erik's friendship/relationship/whatever. I mean, we have that flashback issue of Uncanny X-Men set in Israel, but that gets them from meeting to parting in a single issue, and is just not enough to explain their connection.


selenak March 31 2007, 09:15:44 UTC
What about Excalibur during the time they were living together on Genosha? (I mean, I haven't read it yet, but I hear it's basically canon slash...) Otherwise, I must ask andrastewhite who is the expert whether there are more backstory issues...

Anyway! Love that the movies gave us this free room!


ffutures March 31 2007, 08:25:52 UTC
1: Agree entirely - I got the impression that there was a gradual drift apart, and that they were pretty happy for a while. The Spuffy camp is really fond of the fanon version of events.

2: This seems to have been stolen from the Vampire: The Masquerade RPG and its bastard offshoot the TV series "Kindred: The Embraced" - they have these elaborate sire / childe relationships, the Buffyverse has almost nothing on those lines apart from Darla's respect (and I'm not convinced it's more than that) of the Master and the "strong sire dominates the weak minion" thing that obviously isn't backed by any mystic force - see e.g. the way Harmony's minions turn on her, and Spike on Angel..

3: No strong preference either way.

4: Haven't come across this but I'm not a big B5 fan.

5: Still haven't got my head around any aspect of Alias continuiity - for all I know they were abducted by Rambaldi-loving aliens and artificially inseminated


selenak March 31 2007, 13:44:47 UTC
for all I know they were abducted by Rambaldi-loving aliens and artificially inseminated

That would also work.*g*


spikendru March 31 2007, 23:27:02 UTC
#2. Well, that's a relief! I was afraid it was just me. There are basically two fannish terms that will turn me off a fic no matter how good it is otherwise - the use of the term "childe" for the siree and the renaming of Buffy as "Elizabeth". No idea where that one came from, except I read some time ago that the late Queen Mother's nickname was "Buffy" when she was a child. I'm sure there are a lot of vampire stories which use "childe" and claiming rituals - BtVS doesn't happen to be one of them.


selenak April 1 2007, 04:06:30 UTC
Hail, fellow Childe despiser.*g*

except I read some time ago that the late Queen Mother's nickname was "Buffy" when she was a child.

So rozk tells me. Apparantly the name itself does come from "Elizabeth", but we do see Buffy's records on screen on several occasions, and she definitely is listed as Buffy (Anne), so that is her full canon name.

Incidentally, I do believe there's a good chance Darla was called either Elizabeth or a derivation thereof as a human, because she was born into Elizabeth I.'s reign, and a lot of children did get called after the ruling monarch....


spikendru April 1 2007, 20:39:16 UTC
Yes, exactly! "Buffy" may be a diminutive of "Elizabeth", but it doesn't work the other way around. Interesting possibility re: Darla. She could also have been called Anne, Catherine, Katherine, Jane, Mary, Joan, Margaret, Alice, Agnes, Elinor, Cecily, Joyce, Barbara or Janet, which were among the most often used girl's names during the latter half of the 16th century, altough Elizabeth was the most popular. Isn't it interesting how many of these Elizabethan names have been used on the show? With nothing whatsoever to back-up my choice, I've always thought that Darla's original name was "Anne", but it was probably one of them, as 75% of the female population carried one of those names. Somehow, I just can't see Darla as an "Agnes". *g*


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