Fannish Delights and Frustrations

Feb 09, 2007 17:03

Firstly, everyone in Britain who gets to see Life on Mars next week? I'm totally envious and casting desperate glances in the direction of my usual source, hmpf.

Secondly: why was I not told? Sylvester McCoy interview, in which it's mentioned he'll play the Fool to Ian McKellen's King Lear when the later goes on tour with the RSC production. Seriously, McKellen as Lear and McCoy as the Fool?

*eyes RSC tour schedule, real life obligations and budgets with the mad eyes of fannish devotion and desperation*

*footnote for New Whovians: Sylvester McCoy was the Seventh Doctor and is my favourite*

Lastly, I'm delighted to see that my favourite movie of 2006, The Lives of Others, has finally made it across the Atlantic, and is playing in New York City, at the very least. So, New Yorkers on my flist, please, please, please go and watch this movie. You won't regret it, I promise. It's so very, very good.

shakespeare, das leben der anderen, life on mars, dr. who

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