Of mutants and pirates

Sep 24, 2006 12:05

It's a good time to be a fan of the Marvelverse, with two ficathons coming in. Firstly, the 1602ficathon, which uses Neil Gaiman's 1602 as a basis, a universe in which the various Marvel characters - the X-Men, Spider-man, Daredevil etc. show up four hundred years early, in the last year of Elizabeth's reign.

Here are some of my favourite stories:

Soldier'Read more... )

fanfiction, pirates of the carribean, 1602, ficathon, x-men, fanfic recs

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Comments 3

syredronning September 24 2006, 10:46:33 UTC
Sigh, you make me spend my precious time on reading xmen fics...and I love it! Thanks for the recs and the link to the xmmficathon :)))


selenak September 24 2006, 15:16:50 UTC
I do not feel guilty at all.*g*


bimo September 24 2006, 10:48:35 UTC

Thank you so much for the English version rec! Like I've said, you have no idea how happy I was that you had enjoyed my take on the characters.

Oh and speaking of recs...

If you happen to get in the right mood for a bit of Old School Who and get around to watching Caves, this is your vid...

Title: Five Movements
Music: Selections from the Infernal Affairs soundtrack by Kwong Wing Chan, compiled by yours truly.
Source: Doctor Who
Technical Details: Zipped DivX .avi file.
Spoilers: Through The Caves of Androzani.
Summary The Fifth Doctor meets his destiny.


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