In which it turns out the Teen has things in common with Catherine and Frederick the Great.
Sorry, but I had to. Explanation: when we created a
playlist for Frederick the Great, "You should see me in a Crown" was the song commenting on Frederick and power, and young Frederick, hitherto taken for a woobie and cinnnamon roll, celebrating his first year of kingship by invading another country. I also used the song title for
my story about Catherine the Great.
Anyway: this has to be one of the shortest episodes yet, and did feel like part 1 of a two parter, but it certainly packed a punch. RIP Alice. (Unless Teen/Billy's newfound abilities include necromancy?) That was devastating, and I'm going to and thro as to whether or not Agatha was lying when she said "I couldn't control it". Certainly when she started the Road her intended endgame was to absorb the powers of all the other witches, but I think she wanted to do it at the end, not being stiupid and very aware of the possibility the others would gang up on her if she started to openly pick them off one by one. Also, right then I think she wanted someone between her and her mother's spirit. So on the one hand, I believe her, on the other hand, she's a practised liar, so I just don't know.
(Of course, if Agatha has uncertain control over her powers, that gets her out of strict supervillain and more into Rogue territory, but then she might simply have had no control as a) a young woman and b) jiust then in the situation with Alice after being possessed by her vengeful mother's spirit.)
Btw, one of Lilia's prophetic utterings is now deciphered, from two episodes back. Remember this exchane:
Lilia: Alice, don't!
Alice: Don't what?
Lilia Save Agatha!
Only both Alice and the audience took the two utterings as two separate commands.
Jen being the first to suggest going along with the "punish Agatha" demand before Agatha turns against anyone (in this particular episode) contributes to Teen getting disillusioned not just with Agatha but everyone else (save poor Alice) and their readiness to turn against each other; he's clearly fond of the found family trope and doesn't realise we're not quite there yet. But the immediate trigger for his ouburst (of power) at the end is Agatha telling him "how like your mother you are". Presumably this is when Agatha definitely gives up on him being Nicholas and concludes he then must be Billy. What is now the big, big question is that once she resurfaces (presumably all of them will next week), will she try to take Teen's powers? Because that's why he needs to have really a lot, and why he needs to be NOT her son (at least not literally or dominatingly). (And why Alice's power won't work for her (yet) despite her having absorbed it.) If Agatha changes somewhat in this series, her big trial clearly isn't meeting Mom's ghost, it's whether or not she's able to control herself when faced with precisely the type of power she wanted to take from Wanda. And if Teen were literally her son, that would load the dice in his favour. If he's someone she came to care for despite being not her son but the son of her enemy, on the other hand...