Seasonal Greetings, Best of Wishes: Return of the Christmas Pic Spam

Dec 24, 2023 21:20

As every year, we strolled around my hometown to admire the beautiful nativity scenes. You'd think surprised on the subject wouldn't be possible; you'd be wrong. As, for example, this creche showing an artisan building a creche:

St. Martin first, the former Jesuit church:

Then our local Cathedral, which in recent years has upped its creche game. Time was they just did standard things, but now their nativities always depict lovely individual scenes. See for yourself:


During the height of the pandemic, the exhibition of christmas creches in the small chapel of St. Matern wasn't held, but this year, they're back, and how. Let's start with Peruvian Bethlehem:

French Bethlehem:

The flight to Egypt via Jordania:

On to German Bethlehems. This is Rothenburg ob der Tauber providing the inspiration:

Meanwhile, Franconia:

The Three Wise Men taking a break en route:

Less refugee themed creches than there used to be the last few years, but the theme is still there in depictions of the search for an inn:

And here's the flight to Egypt via Poland:

This creche was made of an old barrel:

And a Franconian motive once more:

But seriously, my favourite this year among those exhibited at St. Matern was the artisan in his workship creating a creche:

On to visiting the Lutheran church, St. Stephen's. This one doesn't change its figurines, but they charm me each year. They also try include all the childhood events, not just the nativity. Like here:

Here the Three Wise Men are more like a posse:

The creche of creches, the nativity scenes of nativity scenes in Bamberg is, as in every year, the Obere Pfarre, aka Our Lady's. Overview:

Getting closer:

This year, music was a big theme, and so instead of bakeries or groceries, we get a shop for musical instruments:

And arguing musicians in Franconian Bethlehem:

And old lovers dancing:

Every year, there's a small cat statue hidden somewhere, and this year, it was close the main event. Can you spot it?

It's here:

The angels have their music going on as well, of course:

Meanwhile, shepherds and children of same:

And two Rokoko guys amidst the otherweise 19th century outfits:

But my favourite details is that you can see the individual bratwürste the tavern guests are eating:

To end this joyful pic spam on a somber but necessary note: the most touching, saddest detail was this candle in the cathedral, saying "peace light of Bethlehem":

christmas, pic spam

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