ST: Picard 3.02.

Feb 25, 2023 10:14

Yeah, I'd hoped this wouldn't be the case, but didn't really think so, because I know the trope too well, plus unexpected relations are a tried and true Trek thing. (Including unexpected children, not just David Marcus, but see also, Key'lahr presenting Worf with Alexander.) What's annoying about it is that by making this one Beverly's and Jean-Luc's offspring, the show basically said they got together and split up between movies (or even episodes?), and look, I didn't even ship them, but their relationship was a thing throughout TNG's sixth season, and you can pull an off screen getting togther/split up for the series finale flash forward, that's no problem, but not in a long term story.

(There's also the apparently inheritable English accent, but hey - Picard's clone in Nemesis also inherited it, and he was raised by Remans. The English accent genes evidently are just that strong.)

While this served as an introduction episode for Jack Crusher the II., Rogue Medicine Hunter, who actually impressed me more by becoming layered beyond the season opener's jerkness as I hoped was Captain Liam Shaw, whom the script gives good arguments (i.e. his responsibiliity for his crew of 500 plus people) . Also, I had an "I knew it" moment when Raffi's handler turned out to be Worf, because it had to be either him or Geordi, and Worf just makes for a potentially more entertaining combination to be put together with Raffi. Look, Geordi is chill and would be nice, personable and understanding. Raffi might need a hug after that latest encounter with her ex, but I, as a viewer, need someone for Raffi to sparr entertainingly with, and Worf just volunteered.

(Incidentally, given Worf's less than stellar parental record, and keen sense of duty, he might also provide Raffi with some comfort re: the chances for her and her son to achieve reconciliaton in the long term.)

Less than subtle: both Amanda Plummer's character and this episode's Evil Ferengi smoke. Guys, I'm anti smoking as well, and already was when everyone around me puffed in ye olde 1980s, but this is sledgehammery.

Speaking of Amanda Plummer, she does her thing as the latest Übervillain rather well, but I like my seasonal villains a bit complicated, so please, show, give her some motivation beyond "because I can". (It's only the second episode, so I am somewhat optimistic there.)

Lastly: This was an entire episode of Beverly being unconscious, save for the very end. The show better make up for this by giving her lots of scenes and dialogue (and not just about the Unexpected Offspring) for the rest of the season.

episode review, picard, star trek

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