My Year in Fandom Meme

Jan 04, 2022 20:25

1. Your main fandom of the year?

Still 18th Century history, Prussian-Austrian-Hannoverian-French edition, though I branched out to the Renaissance in the final quarter.

2. Your favorite film watched this year?

I don't think I have one. Oh, I watched a lot, both via Streaming and eventually three in the cinema. And I liked most of them (including Black Widow and the latest Spidey), was seriously impressed by several (Portrait of a Lady on Fire, for example, or Passing). But I can't say one swept me away and evoked a "OMG must rewatch this instantly and often" feeling.

3. Your favorite book read this year?

Probably Game of Queens by Sarah Gristwood.

4. Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?

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An I discovered it via fanfiction, no less!

5. Your favorite TV show of the year?

This was a good year for tv shows, but Star Trek: Discovery ruled my heart. I loved the third season, and so far what we've seen of s4.

6. Your favorite LJ community of the year?

rheinsberg, still. Yay salon chez

7. Your best new fandom discovery of the year?

It's the French series Lupin, though there I liked the second half/season less than the first half, which absolutely delighted me, vs the Israeli series Shtisel (three seasons so far). I can't decide between those two, and therefor I choose the audio series Caesar! on Audible, written by Mike Walker, starring a great bunch of actors including Anton Lesser as Cicero, David Tennant as Caligula, Frances Barber as Agrippina the Younger, Andrew Garfield as Hadrian's lover Antinous and Tom Hiddleston as Romulus Augustulus, the last of the Western Emperors. The first episode starts with good old Gaius Julius C., and the last appropriately finishes with Romulus Augustulus. More about it here.

8. Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?

Jupiter's Legacy was an godwaful let down and I'm glad it didn't get picked up.

9. Your fandom boyfriend of the year?

Well, you know, I did finish my Farscape Rewatch that year and just started my B5 one, and Londo Mollari is one of my One True Characters of all time, so...

10. Your fandom girlfriend of the year?

Ladies named Margaret of Austria who governed the Netherlands. :) Both the one who raised Charles V. and his daughter whom I wrote the Yuletide story about.

11. Your biggest squee moment of the year?

The Voltaire/Frederick saga in modern Fandom AU
cahn wrote me is certainly up there. Also, one of my oldest fannish fans (we met through the original X-Men movies) marathoned the tv series The Borgias and got interested in the historical originals as well, and we've been happily talking Borgias and other Renaissance stuff on and off through the year.

12. The most missed of your old fandoms?

Recently I got reminded again how much fun I had on
theatrical_muse incredible eighteen years ago, rp'ng B5's Londo, and later both Darla and Connor from AtS, and eventually Arvin Sloane from Alias. There were some very talented people there, and it was a very creative time, but also incredibly time consuming (which is why I eventually finished all storylines and left - real life and the need to make a living demanded it, alas).

13. The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?

I'm still planning on watching Nirvana in Fire. And trying again with Murderbot. I started to read the first book and immediately bounced off, but that was at a busy time, and maybe I just wasn't in the mood.

14. Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?

The Netflix version of Sandman, I think. This entry was originally posted at Comment there or here, as you wish.

meme, multifandom

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