Yuletide Madness has gone live as well, and as it turns out, I got a treat there together with my two fellow Frederician Salonnières
mildred_of_midgard and
cahn, and (wittty and touching) poetry, no less:
Thirteen Ways of Looking at Frederick.
Meanwhile, my three Yuletide tales have all received lovely comments by their recipient, and I've been busy exploring all the others. An early selection of those which caught my eye so far:
The Americans:
Motherland: post-show, Elizabeth and Martha.
Stand in the place where you are: also post show, Stan and Oleg.
Frankenstein (Mary Shelley's original novel):
Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge: AU in which the second Creature lives, and a very different story unfolds.
Galaxy Quest:
Boys go to Jupiter: in which the Feds want to know what exactly happened at that Convention, and Gwen deals with it. Superbly.
James Asher Vampire Series - Barbara Hambly:
The Road Home: The WWI era story I didn't know I wanted but so much did. James Asher (undercover, of course) has been too long with his small German bataillon not to feel responsible for them, and Simon Ysidro feels responsible for James Asher. (The title happens to be that of a Erich Maria Remarque novel, the sequel to All Quiet at the Western Front.)
The Last Kingdom:
A Lady To Guide Him: in which Hild, warrior nun extraordinaire, is mentoring young Athelstan.
The Lion in Winter:
Zeal Now Melted: How being a son of Eleanor of Aquitaine worked out for Geoffrey.
Midnight Mass:
Sundowning: can't be well described unspoilery for a rather recent show, so I'll just say it's a John Pruitt character portrait.
Cut and Run: whereas this one is shows Sarah in the show's backstory, at the moment of her graduation.
Much Ado About Nothing:
Skirmish and Retreat: which takes Beatrice's cryptic answer to "you have lost the heart of Signor Benedick" and comes up with a plausible backstory for these two.
This entry was originally posted at
https://selenak.dreamwidth.org/1473947.html. Comment there or here, as you wish.