Belated Halloween recs

Nov 12, 2021 20:27

Very busy days again, but that's why the brief fics from the "Trick or Treat" exchange make for perfect readings:

Black Widow:

Several highly enjoyable takes set in the flashback to Natasha's and Yelena's childhood era, and quite different from each other:

The Monsters in the Dark

Happy Hauntings

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell:

A Paper Crown: in which Stephen makes a monarchical decision.

Twin Peaks:

People met in a diner, on a day off: Albert Rosenfield, Dale Cooper and *spoiler* post season 3. Manages that Lynchian surreality and a great Albert voice. This entry was originally posted at Comment there or here, as you wish.

jonathan strange and mr. norrell, twin peaks, black widow, fanfic recs

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