Writing Meme

Aug 23, 2021 15:33

From various, most recently
vilakins and

1) How many works do you have on AO3?


2) What’s your total AO3 word count?


3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?

Technically, 93, but a a considerable part are the same fandom in various subsections, for example, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the Star Wars Prequels trilogy and plain old Star Wars for the same story, or New Who, Classic Who and Big Finish Who again all for the same story. The fandoms where I have double digit numbers of stories listed are: Babylon 5 (40)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (24), Heroes (TV 2006) (19), Angel: the Series (19), The Beatles (Band) (16), Doctor Who (16),
Merlin (TV) (16), 18th Century CE RPF (13), Alias (TV) (12) and Torchwood (10).

4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?

Teachers, which resulted directly from me having marathoned The Clone Wars and having fallen in love with the Anakin and Ahsoka relationship. Co-starring Obi-Wan.

In the Bleak Midwinter: the winter of 1962 was one of the coldest of the century. It also was when the Beatles went from being a local Liverpool band to becoming a national phenomenon. (And when Sylvia Plath killed herself, but that's nothing to do with the story.) Ringo Starr hand only just joined the band, and I do love outsider-becoming-insider povs, so this Ringo pov is my take on that time of change.

The Art of Letting Go: more Clone Wars inspired fiction, though this one covers more eras. Yoda - Dooku - Qui-Gon - Obi-Wan - Anakin - Ahsoka, to be precise. This was has a lovely pod fic version as well.

Another Way To Fall: for Barris Offee, a character from The Clone Wars (though technically she and her teacher Luminara show up in Attack of the Clones; they're among the Jedi fighting in the big finale, but you only know that if you check out the credits. BTW, writing Star Wars again and suddenly getting kudos'd and commented on in great numbers was quite a whiplash after writing in smaller fandoms where you're lucky if anyone other than your friends bothers. Which was the case for me again once I went from SW to the historical side of the Force once more.

Fuit Quondam: now this is a nice surprise. It's a story about Connie Corleone, a supporting character from The Godfather, who certainly never made it on anyone's "Favourite character from The Godfather list. Being me, I focused it on her relataionship with her brother Michael. And yet! I wrote this for Yuletide some years ago, and it still gets read.

5) Do you respond to comments, and why or why not?

Yes, because I'm pathetically grateful and want to get more comments.

6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?

Good lord. The above mentioned SW stuff doesn't exactly end angst-free, you know, given Anakin Skywalker's trajectory. Or: this story about Rumplestilskin (from Once upon a Time and several of the women in his life, mostly Cora). Or: from the 18th century corner, Promises to Keep, which manages to unite my penchant for sibling relationships, is set in the middle of a war and ends with the against-every-inclination extricted promise of someone since Ashley Wilkes asked Scarlett O'Hara to take care of Melanie in Gone with the Wind. (And she did. The main character in this story will keep his promise, too.)

But I guess it just might be Purgatorio, which I wrote for the Remix Ficathon. It stars Jack Harkness post Children of Earth and the Master. Let's just say it doesn't end in Jack/Master reconciliation.

7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?

The above not withstanding, most of my stories do at least have some sweet mixed into the bitter and some hope, and a great many end with the characters better off than they started. I can't single out one as happier than the rest in this regard.

8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?

Yes, and it's a tie between Pirates of the Caribean/Babylon 5 and Breaking Bad/Doctor Who/The Sarah Jane Adventures/Torchwood.

9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?

Once, by a commenter who didn't appear to have read the story in question - which is about James Hemings (brother of Sally, first slave and then freedman) and his relationship with Jefferson - and seemed to be under the impression I was endorsing slavery.

10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?

I suck at sex scenes, in the un-fun way. Which is why I usually go by the fade-to-black method and leave the more explicit details to the readers' imagination.

11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?

If so, I haven't found out yet.

12) Have you ever had a fic translated?

Yes, repeatedly, and I'm absolutely thrilled and honored.

13) Have you ever co-written a fic?

In ye olde Highlander days, once. And then again when
andraste and I had a blast with Trio: The Musical, which is about what Warren, Jonathan and Andrew were up to during Once more with feeling, the musical episode of Buffy's sixth season.

14) What’s your all time favorite ship?

Londo/G'Kar forever!

15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?

I have some ideas I'm not sure I'll ever write, but as of now no unfinished WIP.

16) What are your writing strengths?

Dialogue, research where needed, breaking it differently and being evil.

17) What are your writing weaknesses?

I could be better at descriptions.

18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?

If there is a point to it in the story itself. I.e. say, a character hears something in a language they don't understand but later will, and you want to put the reader in the same situation. My hands down favorite example of how to use a (completely made up) language in a story that still allows the readers to understand it is what Richard Adams does in Watership Down, where terms from the rabbit language he made up are sprinkled throughout the novel, and by the time we get to the big climax of the novel, Bigwig says an entire sentence in said language in a key part of the big show down, which does not get translated by the novel itself, and yet the reader understands perfectly. If you can pull that of in fanfiction? Awesome, and more power to you!

Otoh, if you just want to throw some words around, at least get someone who speaks the language and not google translate.

19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?

In terms of shared fanfction, Star Wars, for
bimo's archive.

20) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?

Pfff. I love them all. Though I will say, Falling Towards Apotheosis is still the one I'm probably proudest of, since I feel that the goal I set myself - writing an ending for Penny Dreadful which satisfied me and yet build on the one given by canon (as opposed to going the "this did not happen" road), and doing so in a way that worked with the main themes and used the ensemble, not just my faves (though yes, they are the central focus) and was suitably epic - I did, in fact, achieve. This entry was originally posted at https://selenak.dreamwidth.org/1456565.html. Comment there or here, as you wish.

meme, multifandom

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