Year in Fandom Meme

Dec 31, 2020 06:37

Your main fandom this year? I remained firmly rooted in the 18th century with
cahn and
mildred_of_midgard, where we were joined by
prinzsorgenfrei and
gambitten on occasion.

Your favourite film watched this year? If it counts as a film, since it was the filmed recording of a performance technically, then Hamilton, which this European never saw on stage (nor did I ever hear the songs before, though fannish osmosis spoled me for some). If not, The Old Guard appealed to my inner Highlander fan, the two leading roles - weary old warrior and new-to-this-world-idealist - were female and compelling, and the rest of the ensemble was interesting as well (and included a textual gay couple).

Your favourite book read this year?: I had fun with Lord Hervey's bitchy memoirs in which he mainly has a go at George II and family, and his friend Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's Embassy Letters, and I loved at last reading Boswell's diaries of his travels through the German states and Switzerland (featuring such highlights as meeting Voltaire or deciding to write a letter to Johnson while postrated on Luther's tomb in Wittenberg), but really it was volume IV of the Lehndorff diaries which I marathoned in the week just before they locked down libraries along with everything else in Germany in March. Lehndorff continues to be my favourite German diarist of the era and if you check out the entry I just linked, you'll see why.

Your favourite tv show of the year?: The Clone Wars season 7 was heartbreaking and excellent, a worthy (long delayed) conclusion, but I think I'll award this designation to Harlots. (What can I say? The 18th Century strikes again.)

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?: see above, and also, figuring out how to write historical fiction in emojiis was fun.

Your biggest fandom disappointment?: Doctor Who''s The Timeless Children. Enough said.

Your favorite online fandom community of the year?
rheinsberg. I’m so glad Mildred had the idea of collecting the main results of our discussions, research and pure silliness there, I can’t tell you.

Your tv boyfriend of the year?: Rex from Clone Wars, see above, re: heartbreaking. (With a bit of hope.)

Your tv girlfriend of the year? Kim Wexler, from Better Call Saul. Season 5 belonged to Kim. That was a powerhouse performance by Rhea Seaborn, and that she wasn't even nominated for it was one of tv life's greatest injustices.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?: Discovering that the British ambassador to Frederick the Great during the 7 Years War, one Andrew Mitchell, in his younger years also had a fling with Francesco Algarotti (who was simultanously involved with a triangle with Lord Hervey and Lady Mary, see above for who they were, and very likely had one with Frederick the Great as well). You may think it's all about serious history, but really,
cahn and I are in this for the racy soap opera. Also this caused me to create a meme, see here and here.

The most missed of your old fandoms? 2020 was horrid in many ways, but pretty good in catering to my older fandom loves. Not only do I have a beloved new Star Trek show in Discovery, the admittedly uneven Picard gave me Patrick Stewart acting, a wonderful reunion episode with Riker & Troi and a fabulous later day Seven of Nine. I wrote DS9 fic again. My one month submission to the Mouse gave me the final season of The Clone Wars. Otoh, what I do miss a bit outside of my tiny 18th century fandom, which has all the debates and fanction one can wish for, are fannish conversations. However, there's also the fact that whenver I briefly check out conversations in a few larger fandoms Star Trek being one of those), I encounter a lot of bile and hurry away, or there's a fandom many people are squeeing about but which I can't muster more than "yeah, it was nice" enthusiasm about (Good Omens comes to mind, which I enjoyed a lot, but which didn't leave me with an urge to seek out discussions or meta, and after reading a few stories also didn't leave me with the wish to read more fanfiction; I watched it once, it was nice, that was it for me).

The fandom you haven’t tried yet, but want to? Too many. Even in the time of the plague, there's not nearly enough time.

Your biggest fannish anticipation for the New Year?: Watching live theatre again, listening to live readings again, and live lectures on topics which interest me, attending a live book fair again. Always with the caveat: if it is possible without endangering people before 2022, of course. This entry was originally posted at Comment there or here, as you wish.

year in review, meme, multifandom

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