Some fanfiction links

Dec 01, 2020 17:29

Umbrella Academy:

Please don't take my sunshine away: explores Allison and her response to motherhood. Especially in the light of Reginald's, err, example in parenting.

Due to my Farscape rewatching, I've been in the mood to seek out fanfiction, as long as it's short, since I'm currently overwhelmed with rl duties. Here are some goodies I'd found which I'd like to share, all lovely little vignettes of friends being there for each other:

The touch of each hand: Aeryn and Chiana mid S4, in Terra Firma.

Forty-Eight Words: this one is set post Peacekeeper Wars, featuring Aeryn, Chiana and John.

The last familiar outpostWhereas this one is early s4, starring John and Chiana. Why yes, I like Chiana a lot. This entry was originally posted at Comment there or here, as you wish.

farscape, fanfic recs, multifandom

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