Doctor Who 12.06

Feb 03, 2020 15:08

Enjoyable one shot tale that uses its ensemble much better than "Orphan 55". Also the most Companion-heavy episode so far this season.

Last season had Ryan's and Graham's grief for Grace and their own relationship as a central storyline, whereas this season the Fam has mostly been given Greek Chorus functions, until now. While the Doctor and the Companions all got to investigate different angles of the central mystery, it all still felt far more cohesive and coordinated than Orphan55. I also suspect Yaz might be getting a version of Clara's "becoming the Doctor" storyline, which honestly I'm a bit dubious about, not least because using a teleport without knowing whether you might end up in poisonous gas - a likely guess given that the aliens were wearing gas masks - is not risk friendly, it's stupid.

The other thing that made me raise an eyebrow was Jake going on about how hard it was to be married to someone amazing when you feel avarage while sitting next to Graham, who said nothing (until his final remark), but the episode clearly wanted me to see a parallel to Graham and Grace there. However, Graham responded to Grace's amazingness not by self-sabotage and feeling unworthy but by loving and celebrating her brilliance.

This all being said: I liked the episode. All three companions were active and had things to do, Gabriela, Adam and Jake were all clearly delineated characters, and for that matter so was Suki, with the Doctor's rueful admittance that she tends to fall for scientists being very true continuity. Pollution and micro plastic in everyone as the true Big Bad might be sledgehammery, but that hammer needs to be dropped, and then some, in the current climate more than ever.

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episode review, dr. who

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