Happy Holidays!

Dec 25, 2019 15:46

Like every year, the APs & self yesterday visited and admired the various nativity scenes in the many, many churches we have in Bamberg. Like every year, I wanted to share as a seasonal greeting, but photobucket foiled me, so at last, I picked the DW image storing option instead. Anyway: Merry Christmas to all who want to celebrate, and best wishes for peaceful holidays for everyone!

The various nativities do not always show the nativity. They sometimes go for other biblical motives, such as the one that's more contemporary relevant than ever:

Or this Franconian idea of what a Nazareth childhood later looked like:

This one tries for greater historical verisimilitude:

Then there are some that take their cue from one particular artist, in this case, Albrecht Dürer:

This year's nativity scene in St. Martin put a strong emphasis on Bethlehem being under Roman occupation, and what that means for the population. Overview:


Since unfortunately the Carmelites don't do nativity scenes anymore, my overall solid favourite each year tends to be Our Lady's (Obere Pfarre, as it's nicknamed in Bamberg):

If you spot a conspiciously empty brightish road, that's because originally, young Francionan Bethlemites were depicted protesting for the climate here. Alas, Certain People objected, and the scene had to be redecorated.

On to surviving details:

And thus I end this year's pic spam, and go off to pounce on the Yuletide archive!

christmas, pic spam

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