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Thirty Days of Star Trek
Sep 16, 2019 10:57
Day 28 - Name Your Own Starship
Get ready for the U.S.S. Mandukhai, named after
the Mongolian Queen
. Mongols are magnificent travellers, and she was brave and imaginative. Also successful, and she died of natural causes, undefeated.
Day 1 - Favorite TOS Episode
Day 2 - Favorite Federation Race
Day 3 - Favorite Starship
Day 4 - Favorite Captain
Day 5 - Saddest Event
Day 6 - Happiest Event
Day 7 - Favorite TNG Episode
Day 8 - Favorite Federation Enemy
Day 9 - Favorite Character
Day 10 - Most Shocking Moment
Day 11 - Crew Position You Would Want
Day 12 - Crew Position You Wouldn’t Want
Day 13 - Favorite DS9 Episode
Day 14- Favorite Time Travel Episode
Day 15 - Favorite First Officer
Day 16 - Favorite Voyager Episode
Day 17 - Favorite Trek Novel
Day 18 - Favorite Non-Aligned Race
Day 19 - Favorite Enterprise Episode
Day 20 - Character You're Most Like
Day 21 - Least Favorite Character
Day 22 - Favorite Trek Film
Day 23 - Best Trek Tech
Day 24 - Best Overall Space Vessel
Day 25 - Favorite Discovery Episode
Day 26 - Planet You Would Most Like To Visit
Day 27 - Character You Would Date
Day 29 - Favorite Trek Quote
Day 30 - Favorite Trek Series
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. Comment there or here, as you wish.
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