Je reviens

Jun 05, 2019 18:24

Back in Bamberg with the APs, and also thoroughly exhausted. Lots of fannish catching up to do, and not always in a happy way; I was sad to learn Paul Darrow had died.
watervole introduced me essentially both to Blake's 7 and to Gareth Thomas and Paul Darrow when we saw both on stage, in Dear Brutus (GT, Nottingham) and Guards!Guards (PD, Cardiff) respectively; [Bad username: watervole"] knew them both, so we (i.e. W.,
kalypso and assorted friends, including a wide-eyed yours truly) got to say a quick hello as well. They were both kind and gracious. I had marathoned B7 just a year or so earlier, so I was relatively recent in my fannish enthusiasm. I found them both utterly unlike their famous alter egos and very endearingly so.

kathyh gave me a recording of Tanith Lee's The Silver Sky which she'd written with Darrow in mind, and he plays the role in question, beautifully; when I get to Munich in a few days, I must find it and listen to it again. And then get out my B7 DVDs.

I hadn't actually read any Terry Prattchett before watching that adaption of Guards!Guards, so that was my introduction to Discworlds as well; I acquired the Guards novels as an immediate result, though, and read them en route back to Germany. One of the best things in any fandom, I've always thought, was this sharing of enthusiasm and interest; one of my Highlander pals pointed me towards Buffy, and with B7 I had come across various crossovers both with Babylon 5 and Highlander, which made me google what this Blake's 7 thing was all about eventually, and thus I found
watervole's website, and then, etc.

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blake's 7

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