January Meme: Favourite Fictional Sidekick

Jan 03, 2019 08:38

Well, there can be only one, can there? And no, most definitely not someone from the Highlanderverse.


Seriously though. How I love Vir Cotto from Babylon 5, let me count the ways. He's kind, good, funny, loyal without ever giving up his own judgment (and acting on this). Imagine Sam Gamgee in a relationship not with Frodo but with, hm, Boromir who managed to get hold of the Ring? Denethor with a sense of humor and a bit more compassion? (there isn't really a good equivalent to Londo in LotR canon, so this will have to do). If Londo starts out as seeming comic relief only to become, in turns, antagonist, antihero and tragic hero, Vir starts out as seeming comic relief to the seeming comic relief and ends up surviving hero and renewer of a broken world. In my post last year about the four ambassadorial aides, I already talked about Vir and his role in the narrative a lot, so let me just add that when Londo, in The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari, wonders whether it wouldn't be better to die now than to face the awful future he knows is ultimately ahead of him (thanks to the death vision he's had for many years), wonders what actual reason he has at this point to go on living, his head!Vir tells him "I would miss you", and Londo decides to go on living. I can identify. If I had a Vir in my life, I'd return from almost death, too.

The other days

This entry was originally posted at https://selenak.dreamwidth.org/1322035.html. Comment there or here, as you wish.

january meme, babylon 5

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