Brief review and a pic spam

Aug 03, 2018 16:18

The current heatwave is definitely making mincemeat of my attempts do get some constructive work done, or even of having interesting things to say in terms of fannish consumption. I did marathon GLOW, which is a Netflix series now consisting of two (short) seasons, set in the 80s, very loosely based on the real life G(orgeous) L(adies) O(f) W(restling) making their debut just then. Faithful reader, if you now wonder why on earth you should watch something about wrestling when you, like me, never watched wrestling (or wanted to watch wrestling), fear not: wrestling lay people like yours truly have no problem following the stories. The producers are the same who are responsible for Orange is the New Black, though while both offer a mainly female ensemble, GLOW doesn’t use the main character just as a stealth introduction before branching out to tell everyone else’s stories, it does remain focused on mainly Ruth (our heroine of sorts, who after trying in vain for eons to make it as an actress in Hollywood tries to get into the newly cast wrestling show as a last chance), Debbie (her best friend and after events of the pilot also arch nemesis, had some minor success as a soap actress but now also in need of a job), and Sam (the director trying to make some desperately needed cash off the 80s wrestling craze via female wrestling show), while also fleshing out the supporting cast. It‘ s what’s called a dramedy these days and just great fun, with some truly touching moments amidst the gags. Also, it takes its heroines seriously in their absurd situations, which is the secret of successful comedy, and offers complicated relationships galore, even within its half an hour per episode format.
Warnings: one of the characters asks another character (who has worked with Sam before) whether Sam’s a racist. The other character replies: „He’s more of a sexist.“ In truth, Sam practises a lot of -isms, and he’s not the only one in this 80s scenario, but the narrative never is unaware or on board with this.
When not struggling with Darth Real Life and watching GLOW, I did appreciate the natural beauty around me, as when we got treated to a blood moon.

Then there was one of the summer lake parties which in recent years managed to be drenched in rain, but not this year. Check out the pictures below the cut for gorgeous sunsets, Alps, and one of the Bavarian lakes.

These alp horns sound as if summoning the riders of Rohan, if you’re curious.

You try folk dancing on a boat, even if the lake is quiet like this.

The later the hour, the more boats on the lake. This was because everyone was waiting for the fireworks, but ensured it looked as if we were having a regatta on the Tegernsee.

And here it is, the highlight and conclusion of a summer lake party:

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glow, alps, review, pic spam

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