In a galaxy far, far away, and also east of Sunnydale

Jul 08, 2018 13:45

Buffy the Vampir Slayer:

Tell me how to walk next to her

Buffy and Faith, a few years post show, Faith's pov. This really does justice to their complicated relationship, and the older versions of them strike me as very plausible.

Star Wars

Inheritance: Beru and Shmi. We have so little canon on either woman, and I love it when fanfic fleshes out what we do have, especialyl when it's done so well as here.

Another city, better than this one: in which a teenage Ben Organa Solo pre-INCIDENt runs away and ends up with Lando Calrissian for a while. Lando's pov, and I'm impressed as hell about how the author manages to convey Lando's increasing realisation there's something seriously wrong with this kid while also allowing for the interpretation that this is simply a teenager being a teenager... with power no teenager should have.

This entry was originally posted at Comment there or here, as you wish.

buffy, fanfic recs, star wars

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