January Meme: Hopes for "Call the Midwife" in 2018

Jan 07, 2018 14:00

Well, I hope to eventually get to see the Christmas Special, for starters. In recent years, Amazon put it up a day after broadcast, ditto for the regular episodes but not this year, for some mysterious reason, at least not for us Germans. Alas.

Without knowing what was in it, then:

- Phyllis Crane had a fabulous season last year, so I hope this doesn't mean she'll get back in the background this year, because she became a firm favourite for me

- fleshing out of newbie Valerie, showing her interacting with all of the other regulars, and use of the different social background she was vis a vis the other midwives

- no more separations for Patsy and Delia, those have been milked as angst scenarios enough; otoh, if Patsy and Delia come out to their colleagues, this will probably lead to at least some angst, as the show with the episode some seasons ago about the gay man proved it doesn't go the fanfic route of instant acceptance by all sympathetic characters.

- return of Sister Mary Cynthia both to the show and to her profession (again, enough angst, not that showing how mental health issues were dealt with in the early 60s didn't have a point and wasn't a legitimate storyline)

- Trixie and Christopher the Dentist so far seem to fit well together, and that he's a divorced father offers the show the opportunity to showcase changing fammily structures

- Timothy needs to be a Beatles fan

- as the 1960s turn into the Swinging Sixties: how does Sister Julienne cope in this changing world? (Since she's not that fond of change, which because she's kind and gracious comes across subtly rather than in a hamfisted "I'm a Tory, me!" way)

- what with the show being set in the East End: how would our heroines cope when faced with organized crime (read: the Krays)?

- more scenes using Shelagh's love of music and beautiful voice again, please.

The Other Days

This entry was originally posted at https://selenak.dreamwidth.org/1264875.html. Comment there or here, as you wish.

call the midwife, january meme

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