Yuletide Recs 2

Dec 28, 2017 16:42

Incidentally, from the writing/reader reaction side, I'm having the worst Yuletide ever. Not because of the recipients, who wrote lovely, long and detailed comments, which made be very happy - for a day. And then as time went on I had to notice that with each of the three stories I wrote in three different fandoms, only one person other than my ( Read more... )

woe is me, american gods, jessica jones, barbara hambly, it's hard out there fo a york, history, carrie, fanfic recs

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kathyh December 28 2017, 17:09:48 UTC
No sobbing allowed. They are all good stories but they are in small fandoms or even in one case *very* small fandoms. There are a lot of stories out there and people are going to go to the better known fandoms first. They are also by Yuletide standards quite long and speaking personally I tend to go for shorter stories first, particularly at Christmas when time to read is short. In other words, stay calm :)


selenak December 28 2017, 18:04:52 UTC
I'll try!


bimo December 29 2017, 13:16:39 UTC
*joins you in melodramatic sighing*

Sometimes I feel there really should a self-help group for victims of unsuccessful story exchanges... ;)

Personally, I'm torn between being worried as hell and quietly fuming this year, because everything looks like my recipient has completely dropped off the face of the planet. No comment, no kudo, no anything. Just complete radio silence. Apparently they also haven't shown up to hand in their own assignment -- which is leaving super nice and equally worried/fuming mod to function as a last minute pinch hitter...

I'm at the point where I'd actually be happy if my recipient showed up and told me how much they hated my story, because then I would at least know that they are alright and have read...


selenak December 30 2017, 08:08:26 UTC
Silent recipients have happened to me several times by now, including Yuletide - not this year, though, this year all three recipients were lovely people who commented in great enthusiastic detail on the first day. And yes, when the person one has written this for can‘t even be arsed, it‘s the worst.

If yours hasn‘t handed in their own assignment, though, maybe they were not experienced in the way of ficathons and assumed that since they defaulted, they were not getting any story? This happened to me as well years ago, with the recipient in question discovering my story two or so years later! (Since I know her by now quite well, I believe her in this regard.)


bimo December 31 2017, 12:24:35 UTC
Aw, thanks! So glad to hear I'm not the only one to whom silent recipients have happened, not at least because this has been a true first time experience for me. (And I don't really think that in my case the reason was inexperience or lack of notification.)

And wow, I reckon that discovering a story two years later must have been one hell of a surprise! Kudos to the recipient in question for letting you know when they could have easily swept the whole incident under the carpet...


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